The cherry trees were indeed blossoming…

…and, look! The Internet survived my being away from it for most of the day!  Good start to the birthday weekend.

I’m going to go geek here for the rest of the day, so I’d appreciate it if nobody political does anything stupid enough for me to be forced to take official notice of it. Much obliged.

And now, some appropriate music:

Songs & More Songs by Tom Lehrer

It being spring, after all.

Wasn’t Burn After Reading supposed to be good?

I pretty much gave up after a half an hour, looked up the plot, and ejected the DVD. Which is weird: I like most of the actors in that film: but it just didn’t work for me at all. Maybe because I didn’t really like any of the characters?

No, I don’t know why I think that anyone else would particularly care if I liked a movie or not.

Quote of the Day.

This was never said by Andrew Jackson – although if he had ever had cause to, it would certainly fit his personality:

“Besides, it doesn’t matter. The thing that separates our party from – whatever you want to call that pack of scoundrels who don’t agree on much of anything except they want power – is this, before it’s anything else. You figure out what you think the republic needs. First. Then you figure out how to get enough people to vote for you. What you don’t do – ever – is go at it the other way. Leave that to the Henry Clays of the world.”

– Eric Flint, 1824: The Arkansas War

A paragraph that needs to be burned in various and sundry people’s retinas, methinks.

Crossposted to RedState.

Mickey Kaus has a Journolist thread.

[UPDATE] Welcome, Instapundit and Hot Air Ace of Spades HQ [sorry!] readers. I’m tempted to use this to tout something of mine, but a colleague needs the help more right now.

Mickey Kaus has published a Journolist thread.  One that is chock-full of precisely the sort of frank opinions and observations that will abruptly come to an end in all future Journolist threads.

Three thoughts:

  1. If Mickey has a Journolist thread, he may very well have several Journolist threads.  After all, betrayal really only hurts the first time.
  2. When the Journolist members sit down to contemplate who has embarrassed them in such a fashion, they may want to spare some disapproval for Spencer Ackerman, who started this war.
  3. Building off of #2: don’t fuck with Mickey Kaus.

Crossposted to RedState.

NY-20 update: an endorsement and a removal.

The New York Post has announced for Tedisco, citing his experience over Scott Murphy, Tedisco’s better ideological fit to this district, Tedisco’s record of fiscal restraint, and – interestingly – Murphy’s refusal to support the death penalty for even 9/11 terrorists. And in other news, the Libertarian candidate has been disqualified for the second election cycle running from being on the ballot. Problems with the signatures, again*.

Homestretch time, folks. As you can see below, Tedisco’s enjoying considerable online grassroot support (he seems set to pass 100K collected online without any trouble), but Jim Geraghty reports that the polls are tight. This isn’t the time to slow down.

Moe Lane

*Yes, the President endorsed Murphy. Imagine my shock. Also imagine my shock that the President has no intention of stumping for a candidate in a race that isn’t self-evidently in the bag for the Democrat already.

Crossposted to RedState.

I will not put this anti-Semitic trash on either website.

Not directly, at least. You can see the latest Jew-hating filth from Pat Oliphant for yourself here, if you’re the morbid sort.

I know that this sort of hate speech is an unavoidable consequence of having a First Amendment, and I have no intention of ever trying to put an end to it. But I still feel like I just stepped in something vile with my bare feet.

Crossposted to RedState.

[UPDATE]: Ed Morrissey has a stronger stomach than I do. Also, a poll with which you can show your displeasure.