And now, a special message to the President of the United States.

The man who thought that he could take over the Corzine campaign and drive it to victory.

Have a nice night.

Moe Lane

PS: Some theme music:

Crossposted to RedState.

It was the pudding that got them.

That’s what I’m betting, at least.

A bear killed two militants after discovering them in its den in Indian-administered Kashmir, police say.

Two other militants escaped, one of them badly wounded, after the attack in Kulgam district, south of Srinagar.

The militants had assault rifles but were taken by surprise – police found the remains of pudding they had made to eat when the bear attacked.

Bears like pudding.


Well, I like pudding, and I think that it was Rita Rudner who famously mentioned that men live like bears with furniture, so I think that it follows from there that bears like pudding.

Moe Lane

Voter Fraud Video Watch – NJ.

Via Election Journal, somebody tried to steal this guy’s vote.

In fact, as EJ noted earlier, they still might – thanks to the Democratic party’s attempt to keep the rules for absentee ballots as loose as possible. If the absentee ballot is deemed the valid one…

Moe Lane

PS: Final question: how many people who didn’t go out to vote today ended up voting in NJ, after all?

Crossposted to RedState.

SENATOR Boxer on Cap & Trade: muddling ahead, and alone.

‘Senator’ capitalized because the insecure often require that special little emphasis. In this case, SENATOR Boxer is demonstrating same by making a fairly pointless gesture that’s apparently fueled by pique:

Barbara Boxer may not only force her climate bill through the Environment and Public Works Committee without any Republican votes; aides say she could also do it without any Republicans in the room at all.

Boxer (D-Calif.) could exploit a loophole in committee rules that will allow her to approve the bill with a simple majority of the 12 Democrats on the committee, even if no Republicans are present. Republicans have vowed to boycott the proceeding.

This end run around Republicans — ignoring the usual rules that require at least two Republicans to be present for a quorum — could further hinder the chances for an already troubled cap-and-trade bill.

The problem here is that Senate Republicans are tired of Democrats forcing through legislation without analysis, deliberation, or in some cases, an opportunity to even read it; so they’re going to boycott the markup until they get a full EPA analysis. No attendance, no quorum, no markup. But SENATOR Boxer wants a bill to impress all those sophisticated Europeans at Copenhagen in December, so she’s going to alter the rules so as to force her version of the bill out via a rump committee.  As the Politico article notes, this has other Democrats swearing, because: a, there was little likelihood of cap-and-trade being passed in a SENATOR Boxer-friendly form to begin with; b, there was not previously much chance of any version of cap-and-trade being passed by December anyway; and c, there is now effectively zero chance of either happening before the New Year.  It’s trivially easy to slow legislation down to a crawl in the Senate, and there are now several motivated Republicans to demonstrate how to do that.

Marvelous work, SENATOR Boxer.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

Frank Rich and the crypto-Stalinists!

I wouldn’t have bothered even bringing up Frank Rich’s decision to urinate all over the memory of 20 million murder victims for the sake of calling Republicans ‘Stalinists,’ except that Pejman posted something on it and I’ve seen some people trying to pretend that articles like that one… just don’t happen.

Well, they do.

Moe Lane

PS: We will now pause while people search frantically for counter-examples, thus allowing them to continue to feel at least personally validated in their attitudes.

Crossposted to RedState.

Health Care Rationing bill up to 1.2 trillion.

You do not have the right to be surprised.

That ‘mere’ 900 billion? Not happening.

WASHINGTON – The health care bill headed for a vote in the House this week costs $1.2 trillion or more over a decade, according to numerous Democratic officials and figures contained in an analysis by congressional budget experts, far higher than the $900 billion cited by President Barack Obama as a price tag for his reform plan.

Via Hot Air Headlines. What did happen was that the Democrats decided to increase various programs by a third because… well, because the bill was there, and they have a commanding majority in both houses of Congress, and Democrats like spending your money on both worthy and ‘worthy’ causes*. So, since they have no intention of paying for this thing anyway

Hey, don’t look at me. I didn’t vote for any of these people. But how is that ‘teach the GOP a lesson’ thing working out for the rest of America?

Moe Lane

Continue reading Health Care Rationing bill up to 1.2 trillion.

What men may do, we have done.

The polls are opening; it’s up to the voters now.

It’s been a hell of a year, but in many ways it was nothing more than the prologue to the all-out political war that we can expect in 2010. Nonetheless: today is the day that we start to take back that which was ours.

Moe Lane

PS: If you liked the coverage that your favorite bloggers provided, hit their tip jars. Heck, hit mine.

Crossposted to RedState.