Gov Deval Patrick (D, MA) just gave the GOP three more House seats.

And I’m blaming the Governor for this one because I find it inconceivable that he would have let his subordinates set policy in such a nakedly partisan fashion without him first signing off on it.  Apparently the Democratic party just doesn’t care how many ‘moderate’ Democrats have to have their careers sacrificed to the leadership’s ambitions.   I don’t know where we’ll use this development – yet – but if you think that we’re not going to use this (win or lose):

The U.S. Senate ultimately will schedule the swearing-in of Kirk’s successor, but not until the state certifies the election.

Today, a spokesman for Secretary of the Commonwealth William Galvin, who is overseeing the election but did not respond to a call seeking comment, said certification of the Jan. 19 election by the Governor’s Council would take a while.

“Because it’s a federal election,” spokesman Brian McNiff said. “We’d have to wait 10 days for absentee and military ballots to come in.”

Another source told the Herald that Galvin’s office has said the election won’t be certified until Feb. 20 – well after the president’s address.

Since the U.S. Senate doesn’t meet again in formal session until Jan. 20, Bay State voters will have made their decision before a vote on health-care reform could be held. But Kirk and Galvin’s office said today a victorious Brown would be left in limbo.

In contrast, Rep. Niki Tsongas (D-Lowell) was sworn in at the U.S. House of Representatives on Oct. 18, 2007, just two days after winning a special election to replace Martin Meehan. In that case, Tsongas made it to Capitol Hill in time to override a presidential veto of the expansion of the State Children’s Health Insurance Program.

…to hammer home the point that Democrats Lie, think again.  The ads write themselves, and even should Coakley win the speed with which she’ll be installed will still let us run those ads.  And she would be installed speedily: her party’s leadership doesn’t just lie.  It assumes that the electorate is dumb, too.

It’s not, by the way.

Moe Lane

PS: That SCHIP veto wasn’t actually overturned, by the way.

Crossposted to RedState.

It is Elvis’ birthday.

You know what that means.

Elvis Is Everywhere, The Pleasure Barons

In its way, this song says a lot about our technological development. Twenty years ago you could pretty much only find a version of this song by using a specialized novelty cassette-album vendor. Ten years ago my then-girlfriend, now-wife bought me an album with this song by using that newfangled ‘Amazon’ service. Today, the trick in listening to it is in deciding which version that you like the best.

Our technological development rocks on toast, in other words.

The Daily Caller goes live Monday.

…and I still don’t know whether it’ll succeed. The ‘sphere is littered with failed start-up news/opinion sites, after all. But they also got Jim Treacher, which shows a basic intelligence on the part of Tucker Carlson.

Guess we’ll start seeing Monday. One piece of advice: Go live Monday. Even if it looks bad; it’ll look even worse if they can’t even make the launch date.

(Background here; site here.)

This is not DOOM for Coakley. Yet.

Further UPDATE: More from PPP here, via AoSHQ (and welcome to that site’s readers, by the way). You can sign up here to phone bank for Scott Brown.

But PPP is tweeting out a warning. They’re unabashedly a Democratic-aligned firm, but PPP played it straight in Virginia and New Jersey last year: if they say that Massachusetts is looking doable, then Massachusetts is looking doable.

Scott Brown for Senate.

Crossposted to RedState.

UPDATE: And now the Democrats are push-polling?  Tsk, tsk, tsk.

Unemployment still at 10%. [pause] Yipe.

I was hoping for a drop down into single digits, even if it was a high one.  But hope is not a plan, as the current ruling party seems determined to prove.  Short version: we lost 85K jobs last month – they were expecting a gain – and the number is only holding still because a lot of people gave up looking for work.  If you count that number, we’re at 17.3% and that’s up from 17.2% in November.  The report then goes into a lot of detail to avoid coming out and saying that the economy’s currently in neutral, we’re on a slight downward slope, and the administration’s turned on the windshield wipers and called it setting the parking brake.

And, oh, yes: they’ve straightened the wheels, because the previous drivers all braced them against the curb.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

I would like to thank every pomo litcrit idiot out there…

…who helped exile lyric poetry in our culture to the genres of science fiction and fantasy. If you’re wondering why kid’s television programming typically has horrible song lyrics that don’t scan, it’s because of that. Although I would have expected The Jim Henson Company to have escaped the rot.

Moe Lane

Pity, really: Sid the Science Kid seems otherwise unobjectionable.

How dare they, Jack Cafferty?

As in, why is the Democratic party blatantly breaking numerous campaign promises about openness and transparency by hiding the final negotiations over the health care rationing bill?

Easy. Because you let them.

Moe Lane

PS: Elections have consequences, Jack Cafferty. Don’t even pretend to be outraged on my behalf: I knew that this was going to happen all along, which is why I voted for the other guy.

Crossposted to Moe Lane.