How unpopular is the Democrats’ federal health care rationing bill?

This unpopular:

RICHMOND, Va. — With five Democrats defecting, the Virginia Senate today passed a Republican measure that says Virginians don’t have to buy health insurance.

Voting 23-17, the Democratic-controlled Senate kicked to the House a bill by Sen. Frederick Quayle, R-Suffolk, that supporters say will send a message to Washington about its efforts to overhaul the health-care system.

(Via AoSHQ Headlines) The bill should pass the GOP-controlled House of Delegates with no trouble, and likewise be signed into law by the Republican Governor, and will probably be used as ammo for a lawsuit by the Commonwealth’s Republican Attorney General, should he need it…

– Hey, remember when Virginia was inevitably going to be going Blue for unto the next six generations?

…so it’s interesting that five vulnerable state Senators broke ranks on this bill to vote with the Republicans.  It’s also interesting to consider the implications that this bill – whether substanstive or cosmetic – has for, say, Democrats in the US Congress.  Like Gerald ConnollyHi, Jerry!  Quick: what do you think of this legislation?

More importantly, what does your district think of this legislation?

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

DOOM for Sen. Blanche Lincoln (D, AR)? #rsrh

Maybe, maybe not – but when Tom Jensen feels the need to start his preview of the Senate race in Arkansas with the sentence “[w]e are going to have Blanche Lincoln-John Boozman numbers tomorrow* and they aren’t pretty for Lincoln” you can be reasonably certain that they won’t be giving out free kittens and ice cream at the Arkansas Democrat party HQ in celebration of the news.  The general impression that I’m getting, in fact, is that when it comes to November the difference between Lincoln and other potential Democratic alternatives is going to be mostly in seeing how far the rubble bounces…

Moe Lane

*This was written yesterday, so expect the news sometimes Tuesday morning.

Can we start treating Chuckie Schumer (D-NY) as vulnerable NOW?

(H/T: Instapundit) He’s dropped another four points in two weeks. 51% in mid-January; 47% now. That’s the lowest it’s been since 2001.

Admittedly, he’s currently up more or less two-to-one against a hypothetical Kudlow candidacy.  Currently.  As I noted last week, Schumer wasn’t exactly challenged in his last election, and his current relationship with Wall Street threatens to clash badly with the President’s unfolding plan to demonize that institution.  How well his supposed invulnerability will hold up under a real political assault has yet to be seen.  Aggressive, ambitious New York Republicans, please note…

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

VA-08: 44/41 Moran/Berry (Caveats).

[UPDATE] Welcome, Campaign Spot readers.

Said caveats are: Internal poll, D+16 district, and Moran’s still ahead by three.  But a 44/41 Moran/Berry split at this stage is still noteworthy: add five points to Moran’s total and he still polls under 50% – which means that he’s vulnerable.  I don’t mind seeing a 40/38 split on ‘try somebody new’/’keep Moran,’ either.

Post-Massachusetts, it’s no longer reasonable to assume that anybody on the Democratic side is too safe to be defeated: so keep an eye on this race.  I’ve mentioned Matthew Berry before: if I was in his district I’d probably be supporting him in the primary right now, not least because he’s been engaging the new social media (which is a pretentious way of saying ‘he’s actively working to get support’).  And I can’t [expletive deleted] stand Jim [expletive deleted] Moran.  Watching that particular corrupt, anti-Semitic suckweasel go down in flames on Election Night would be a better present than a pony, and I’ve always wanted a pony.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

Permit me to be blunt on a 2nd Amendment issue. #rsrh

As a general rule, it is not a good idea to endorse a position and policy objective on minority handgun ownership that would be enthusiastically endorsed by the Ku Klux Klan.

It’s bad when you have to hope that an advocate of a position is merely abysmally ignorant of history.

Via Instapundit.

Moe Lane

PS: “Guns don’t kill people.  People kill people.” We keep saying that because it’s true.
PPS: “When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.” We keep saying that because it’s true.