#rsrh Carnahan cuts and runs on GZM.

[UPDATE] Welcome, Instapundit readers. Note that I got sent this (via email, which is why no H/T). Also note that the Carnahan firebombing is looking like an inside problem. And welcome, PJTV viewers.

Amusing video of the day: Russ Carnahan (D, MO-03) runs away rather than answer a simple question on whether or not he supports the Ground Zero Mosque.

Yup, that’s some impressive leadership we’re seeing here in MO-03. Sheesh, you’d think that he’d at least admit that he has an opinion. Unless he really and truly doesn’t? You get the impression that Carnahan’s current job bores him so.

Moe Lane

PS: Ed Martin for Congress.

Grayson delendum est.

Because he’s a poor excuse for a man and I won’t insult women by suggesting that he was one, of course.

The NRCC wasted no time at all in reminding the world of what Alan Grayson likes to, frankly, spew on a regular basis:

It’s actually an impressive video in its brevity: the temptation to make it a twenty-minute highlight of every vicious, sexist*, and bigoted thing that Grayson’s ever said must have been difficult. Which reminds me, Grayson: that Senior Policy Advisor of yours, Matt Stoller? The one who hates Jews the ADL and the military? Does that ever lead to awkward moments at staff meetings?

Daniel Webster for FL-08. Because sometimes the cliche applies: Enough. Is. Enough.

Moe Lane

Continue reading Grayson delendum est.

State of the Race: Carly Fiorina (R CAND, CA-SEN).

I had the opportunity to talk with Carly yesterday on what is happening in the race right now. For those not following the Avastin controversy, it’s a cancer medication that is currently the target of a drive to have its FDA approval removed for last-stage breast cancer patients. Claims that this is primarily for financial reasons have been bolstered by this report from the BBC (via Hot Air) that the NHS is disallowing it for bowel cancer patients because it’s too expensive*. You can imagine how Carly feels about that… actually, you don’t have to imagine: you can listen to the interview.

Carly’s site is here.

Moe Lane Continue reading State of the Race: Carly Fiorina (R CAND, CA-SEN).

#rsrh Traficant out there. Lurking.

Traficant has supporters?

The ex-congressman failed to meet Monday’s deadline for running as a write-in candidate to reclaim the seat he once held. His supporters, however, still believe the former congressman is entitled to have his name on the ballot as an independent.

”We should be on the ballot,” Traficant campaign coordinator Linda Kovachik told the Warren Tribune Chronicle. ”We’ll keep our feet to the fire, keep their feet to the fire until someone gets so hot there has to be a decision.”

Traficant has supporters. Unfortunately for Traficant, Traficant also has an enemy in (Democratic) Ohio Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner, who is well aware that if OH-17 joins the various lists of potentially competitive races she will not have a particularly bright future in the Ohio Democratic party. That’s much more important right now than anything so picayune as a fair election – besides, she’s got enough troubles right now as it is.

Moe Lane

PS: Jim Graham is the Republican candidate for this district; so if you live in OH-17 vote for him, and encourage your Democratic friends to vote for Traficant.

For a given value of ‘unfortunate.’

I’m not saying that, put in a position of sufficient power and responsibility, I would initiate or sign off on a series of events that ended with Julian Assange’s head interfacing with a large-caliber bullet at supersonic velocities.  I’m merely saying that, if such a thing happened and I was made aware of the gory details afterward, I suspect I wouldn’t feel obligated to forward them along to Wikileaks.

#rsrh Boehner declares bacon tasty…

…water wet, and that President Obama needs to fire his economic team.  Only in Washington, DC would something that would be such a blindingly obvious statement anywhere else in America be the subject of a press conference – and only in Dizzy City would it be something that needs a press conference, because otherwise the self-appointed elites who run the government right now wouldn’t even perceive it.

I mean, seriously.  Of course Obama needs to fire his economic team.  They suck at their jobs.  They promised us a ‘mere’ 8% unemployment in exchange for an unprecedented stimulus package: and then they proceeded to botch said stimulus package and have now locked us into 9.N% unemployment for the foreseeable future.  Not to mention deficits that are hard to even contemplate in any sort of meaningful way.  And then there’s the small-business killing time bomb set to explode in next year’s tax hikes… I could go on.  So, yes, please fire these people, Mr. President.  As for their replacements?

Try a phone book.

Moe Lane

[UPDATE]: See also Andrew Malcolm, complete with a surprisingly (and inexplicably) apropos picture of meerkats.