Tales of the Spam Filter: 04/20/2011.

At this point, I can more or less skim through my spam filters every morning and just let my eyes drift over the virtually identical entries.  But every so often you get something that is truly unique.  Flat-out wrong and almost certainly anti-Semitic, but unique.

Whenever we read the obscene stories, the voluptuous debaucheries, the cruel and tortuous executions, the unrelenting vindictiveness with which significantly more than half the Bible is filled, it could be much more consistent that we call it the word of a demon than the word of God. It can be a background of wickedness that has served to corrupt and brutalize humankind; and, for my portion, I sincerely detest it, as I detest anything that is definitely cruel.

…and this will induce a reader to buy your sneakers why?

Moe Lane Continue reading Tales of the Spam Filter: 04/20/2011.

This is what WI Democrats look like.

Yes, they are going to regret their arrogant use of the original line.

I apologize in advance for the foul language that the Democratic shill for Big Labor – or Big Labor lackey for Democrats, if that makes any difference at this point – in the video below used while verbally attacking a fourteen year old girl (Tricia Willoughby); but it’s important that people see what the Republican party, the Tea Party movement, and conservatives in general are up against.  Here is said shill/lackey, in all his glory:

For those without video access: it shows an angry, middle-aged, probably union and certainly uncouth… person… screaming abuse and at least one unimaginative obscenity at Ms. Willoughby as she spoke at a Madison Tax Day Tea Party event. “Spoiled brat” was the mildest thing that the… person… called her, in between demands that she either go to her room, or get a job. While there is a certain irony in watching the aforementioned Big Labor/Democratic shill/lackey publicly demand that Ms. Willoughby violate child labor laws, there are two things that need to be noted here. One, this is not what democracy in Wisconsin looks like – but as the title notes, this is increasingly what Democrats in Wisconsin look like. Continue reading This is what WI Democrats look like.

#rsrh Obama getting in digs against Pawlenty early.

Why else lie about the Minnesota bridge collapse?

Mr. Obama noted that the United States has been given a “D” grade for its infrastructure and said U.S. roads, sewers and bridges are “all deteriorating.” He added: “We cut transportation by another third and what’s going to happen to America? We’re just going to have potholes everywhere? We’re just gonna have bridges collapsing everywhere?”

While experts say America’s aging infrastructure is a significant problem, the bridge collapse in Minnesota, which killed 13 people, was found to have been caused primarily by a design flaw.

Admittedly, that’s about the only thing that the Democrats actually have on Tim Pawlenty, so I suppose that they think that they might as well try to milk the deaths of 13 people for partisan gain.  One has to have one’s priorities in order, after all – and there’s almost nothing more important to President Obama right now than getting re-elected*.

Via Hot Air and Jim Geraghty.

Moe Lane

*I refuse to believe that he’d do anything to hurt his kids.

RS Interview: State Rep. Daryl Metcalfe (R, PA-12).

State Representative Daryl Metcalfe is one of the state legislators behind the Pennsylvania Open Workforce Initiative, which is a set of four bills designed to essentially transform Pennsyvlania into a Right-to-Work state (you can see a summary of the bills here).  Rep. Metcalfe has been pushing for this elementary bit of labor union reform for some time; only usually not when both the governorship and both houses of the state legislature were decisively controlled by Republicans.  We talked for a bit on the Initiative:

The high costs involved with Big Labor – particularly in the public sector – means that labor union reform is a hot topic on the state level right now.  I encourage readers to get involved in the issue.  Certainly the opposition is doing precisely that…

Moe Lane (crosspost)

Annnnnnnd thanks for stopping by, Donald.

It was all great fun, I’m sure – but the man has just stepped in it.

[Donald] Trump said he was “concerned” about [Rep. Paul] Ryan’s deficit plan, citing concerns that the plan would “tinker too much with Medicare” and harm senior citizens.

“I think Paul Ryan is too far out front with the issue,” Trump said. “He ought to sit back and relax.”

…Yeah, like that’s gonna fly with the Republican base.  Some of us ain’t filthy rich, Donnie: ‘relaxing’ isn’t exactly an option for us.

Via Hot Air Headlines.

#rsrh So. Somebody defaced that photo…

…of a crucifix dunked in a jar of urine.  Now, as I understand the ground rules, here… while regretting of course that someone was pushed to commit such a deed, the true imperative here is to try to understand why somebody’s religious beliefs might drive them to respond to an outrage in this fashion?  We’re supposed to be opening a dialogue, right?  Isn’t the real crime here our lack of empathy and inclusiveness?

Hey, Ace and Instapundit have the right of it: if you reward bad behavior, you get more of it.  And if you teach people that throwing a punch will get them what they want, other people will start making fists.  I’m frankly surprised that it took this long – but then, Christianity is a religion of peace…

Moe Lane

Scott Ott (R) running for Lehigh County Commissioner.

This would be the Scott Ott of Scrappleface and PJTV: you might remember that he ran for Lehigh County Executive (Pennsylvania) last year, and came pretty close to winning.  He’s running for Lehigh County Commissioner this year; there are several seats up, so Scott’s part of a team this time.  Their goal is to put enough Republicans on the Commission to override the county Executive’s veto.

Speaking for myself (hopefully, not just for myself)… this is what needs to happen across the country, folks: changing the way the government does things requires not only activity on the federal level, or even the federal and state.  We’ve got to get in on the process at every level, from the bottom up.  Somebody’s got to do the heavy lifting, and the people doing it for the unglamorous jobs particularly deserve our attention and aid.  Because if they don’t do it and if you don’t do it, who will?

And… end of sermon.  Scott’s campaign website is here.

Moe Lane (crosspost)