#rsrh A: Because it doesn’t fit their narrative, Glenn.

The question being how Glenn Reynolds missed that three-quarters of the population wants a federal spending cap.  The folks who don’t want a spending cap aren’t really interested in making it obvious that they’re firmly in the minority on this one.

Admittedly, it’s depressing that one quarter of the population hasn’t worked out yet that we’re rapidly running out of money, but as James Blish once noted, Man must paddle before he can swim.

#rsrh Where I answer @allahpundit ‘s…

…question: “Strauss-Kahn’s friends to maid’s family: How much cash will it take to shut that impoverished little mouth of hers?” As you might have guessed, Allahpundit finds the entire idea of a payoff reprehensible – which makes sense, because it is.

But I do wonder whether the answer “Everything Strauss-Kahn owns.  Everything, except for the clothes on his back and a coach ticket back to French territory” doesn’t have a certain rough justice about it.  Probably… not; but it’d do for a civil settlement, after they’re done with the criminal proceedings.

Stupid Nazis found yet one more thing to spoil.

In this case, scientific experiments designed to create TELEPATHIC DOGS.

No, seriously, they spoiled any innocent enjoyment that I might have taken from this picture.  Because you just know that if they had succeeded then they would have used it to kill more racial/religious minorities.

Stupid Nazis.

#rsrh So. Peter Fonda. Crazy, huh? [NSFW]

Via Drudge, apparently Peter Fonda thinks that the President is a traitor who has inspired Peter Fonda to encourage firearms training in his grandchildren…

Before we go any further: go fuck yourself with a carbon credit folded up spiky, Peter Fonda.  Both for saying that shit, and for saying it in a way that will give your gun-grabber buddies extra ammunition against law-abiding firearms owners.

…because Fonda didn’t like Obama’s reaction to the British Petroleum oil spill.  As in, President Obama did not ritually sacrifice the top leadership of BP on a makeshift altar on a Louisiana beach in order to appease an angry and wounded Mother Ocean.  I have to wonder whether this was just a publicity stunt, though: Fonda’s going to have a movie out on the subject, you see.  God save us from the Activist Left…

Moe Lane

NY-26 Special Election today.

Jane Corwin is, of course, the Republican/Conservative running in this race – which is getting people nervous because of the latest Siena poll*.  To which I say: then make sure that you go out and vote.

And if you don’t want Democrats to win elections, then do something about it.  I mention this last bit because there are roughly sixteen million Left-pundits out there who are slavering at the mouth at the opportunity to turn this particular election into an informal referendum on the Right; they were denied this with the Prosser/Kloppenburg election, so they’re even more anxious than usual.  If Corwin loses tonight, expect relieved howling from the Democrats.  Which will be annoying, but that’s what happens when you lose races.

Moe Lane (crosspost) Continue reading NY-26 Special Election today.

Regarding the Rebecca Mansour awkwardness.

Erick is being extremely nice and civilized about being called a rude name by Ms. Mansour, who is one of former Governor Sarah Palin’s top aides… and being nice and civilized about it is the smart thing to do, as well as the ethical one*.  But I have to say, from the comfort of my own blog: I have long since given up any attempts to work with or even keep in touch with Gov. Palin’s organization, and it’s largely because of her gatekeepers.  I don’t expect to have my butt kissed – it’s the “of RedState.com” part of “Moe Lane, of RedState.com” that opens doors, and I understand that perfectly – but I do like having my emails returned… and communicating with the Palin folks is like communicating with a black hole.

And this is being said by somebody who can cold-call a Senator or Governor’s office in the morning and confidently expect a callback before lunch.  Which is not a sign of me being awesome; it’s a sign of a well-run communications staff.

Moe Lane

*That’s true more often than you’d think.  Or that our culture in general thinks, I suspect.

#rsrh Hi, @jesseclee44! Enjoying my tax money?

Of course you are: you’re a Democrat.

Anyway, I’m given to understand that your job with the federal government is going to be to wander the Internet looking for people who are willing to say in public* that your boss President Barack Obama is a petulant man-child with delusions of adequacy and a profession skill set incapable of organizing an orgy in a bordello; presumably at that point you will quote-unquote ‘do battle’ with them, a la Terminator style.  Speaking as one of the @RedState folks, I’m sure that my posts will result in you engaging in highly entertaining flailing about… Continue reading #rsrh Hi, @jesseclee44! Enjoying my tax money?