Book of the Week: The Year at Maple Hill Farm.

Why The Year at Maple Hill Farm?  Easy: I loved this book as a child, and I had to take a picture of the quilt that my mother made from scratch for my firstborn anyway.

Thus making the choice obvious, or at least nostalgia-laden.  And I mean nostalgia-laden: I was irrationally angry about the fact that somebody over at Amazon gave that book only four stars.

And so, adieu to The Meowmorphosis.  Which, honestly, I’m having difficulty getting into.

Moe Lane

#rsrh QotD, Can’t Say I Blame Him Edition.

Freshman Republican Jeff Landry (LA), on why he passed up a chance to meet with the President:

“I have respectfully declined the president’s invitation to the White House today,” Rep. Jeff Landry (La.) said in a statement. “I don’t intend to spend my morning being lectured to by a president whose failed policies have put our children and grandchildren in a huge burden of debt.”

Worse, Landry would have been tediously lectured to… although I must admit that President Obama is a bit of an expert on debt.  After all, he’s had plenty of recent hands-on experience in creating it.

Amanda Marcotte puts out #weinergate article.

And it’s going to be the funniest article you’re going to read all day.  To paraphrase Douglas Adams, she wrote it for the Guardian in order to relentlessly get the record wrong on a couple of key points involving the rising Weinergate scandal, starting with trying to pretend that anyone with a triple digit IQ is taking seriously the conspiracy theory that the whole thing was a fake.  And it only gets better from there, for given values of ‘better’: apparently, reporting on somebody taking a picture of his genitals and sending it to a coed is sexual harassment against women.  Not the picture taking, or the sending of the picture; reporting on it.

Put another way, I’m not asking what color the sky is in Marcotte’s world solely because I already know the answer.  Plaid.  Puke-green, and bronchitis-yellow, plaid.  God help anybody who actually has to rely on the Guardian for his or her information on this issue…

Moe Lane (crosspost) Continue reading Amanda Marcotte puts out #weinergate article.

The Army’s 1960s Combat Walker.

Pretty cool: and if you’re wondering why we never developed them, it’s apparently because the human operator couldn’t handle the strain of thinking like a four-legged critter.

But, you know: fifty years is a long time when it comes to the state of the art in computer technology.  It might be worth looking at this thing again.

#rsrh Jon Stewart on #Weinergate.

Via Instapundit, Jon Stewart’s tiptoe through the minefield that is Weinergate.

Contra (somewhat) JammieWearingFool, I’m not really upset that Stewart went with his, um, ‘helpful’ defense re the size of Weiner’s… genitalia: Jon Stewart and Anthony Weiner are friends, they’ve been friends since college, and Jon Stewart pretty explicitly called people’s attention to this before talking about it (not quite hanging a lampshade, but close). Also, what’s making Stewart really mad is that the blogs are the ones doing the research that the media didn’t; speaking as somebody who crafted one of the arrows that got shot at Weiner, I’m gratified that somebody else noticed. Continue reading #rsrh Jon Stewart on #Weinergate.