#rsrh ‘Zounds*! Frum threatens to leave the GOP!

This is staggering!

Any other nominee [besides Romney or Huntsman] would gravely test my commitment to the political party I’ve supported since I entered the United States as a college student in the fall of 1978.

Continue reading #rsrh ‘Zounds*! Frum threatens to leave the GOP!

#rsrh QotD, The Occupiers’ 15 Minutes Are Up edition.

Ed Morrisey’s gotten  tired of them too – even as free entertainment – as his sardonic reaction to the Occupy LA people finally getting the Gucci loafer* suggests:

Even the most casual observer will notice that the general assemblies tend to be indiscreet forums (THE GENERAL ASSEMBLIES TEND TO BE INDISCREET FORUMS), and the constant, loud repetition (AND THE CONSTANT, LOUD REPETITION) makes secrecy an unattainable status (MAKESH SREBRECY FAN UNNTRETATTINO FLATULENCE).

That last word was probably warped with malice aforethought.  Not to mention: malice richly, richly deserved.

Moe Lane

*Or does Gucci make boots?  I’m not exactly checked out on high fashion.

Claire McCaskill (desperately) weighs in on Siga scandal.

Background: several weeks ago the LA Times reported that the Obama administration had steered nearly half a billion dollars’ worth of a no-bid contract on a secondary smallpox vaccine – one not actually tested on human beings – to Siga Technology, a company controlled by longtime Democratic party contributor Ronald Perelman.  Needless to say, the drug’s much more expensive than the primary drug, the government interfered with the bidding process, and people pretended afterward that no correspondence between the company and the government took place.

Well, it seems that questions are being asked by an exceptionally unlikely source: Continue reading Claire McCaskill (desperately) weighs in on Siga scandal.

#rsrh Rick Moody tugs on Frank Miller’s… cowl.

(Via Althouse, via Instapundit) I have to admit, I find this funny.

So. Frank Miller – who has become incredibly, publicly, and gloriously cranky ever since 300 and Sin City gave him sufficient mojo to do so –  wrote a little screed called ‘Anarchy‘ that pretty much told the Occupiers to get off of the streets and back into their parents’ basements where they wouldn’t get in the way.  As you might imagine, being told off by a comic book writer has annoyed quite a few people – not least the aforementioned Occupiers, given that they don’t want to move back into their parents’ basements (where they belong) – but not everybody took it to the level of Rick MoodyContinue reading #rsrh Rick Moody tugs on Frank Miller’s… cowl.