#rsrh QotD, Nice Of Them To Notice edition.

And, hey, they even linked to RedState!

The Tea Party movement scared Republican members of Congress in 2010 when they mounted primary challenges to several Republican incumbents. The defeat of incumbents like Bob Bennett lent credibility to [RedState’s Erick] Erickson’s threat to recruit primary challengers for Republicans who supported SOPA.

…(Via Instapundit) Admittedly, they don’t mention the site by name, but at least they linked, right?

Moe Lane Continue reading #rsrh QotD, Nice Of Them To Notice edition.

Secret Florida primary training video leaked!

Never you mind how said training video was acquired, and/or which campaigns are going to use it to inform their operating methodology: that part’s not important.  What’s important is that this is how the next week is going to look, in the run-up to the Florida primary:


Continue reading Secret Florida primary training video leaked!

Movie of the Week: Cars.

dear god please make it stop my eldest has watched cars forty times now its his favorite movie please god please god i hear it in my sleep now it whispers to me it whispers to me where are the humans WHERE ARE THE HUMANS my god its some weird experiment in zone mexico city from gurps reign of steel isnt it it all makes sense now it all makes sense

goodbye dr strangelove or how i learned to stop worrying and love the bomb goodbye

#rsrh Occupy Wall Street now desecrating churches.

[UPDATE]: Welcome, Ace of Spades HQ readers. Also, why lie?

Daddy needs new gaming material. I’m trapped here in a house full of children with colds.


There’s no longer room at the inn at a Manhattan church that’s sheltering Occupy Wall Streeters after a holy vessel disappeared from the altar last week.


The artifact vanished just three weeks after a $2,400 Apple MacBook vanished from Brashear’s office. He told the occupiers that even when the 100-year-old Upper West Side church extended help to addicts during the 1980s drug scourge, no visitors touched its $12,500 sacramental instrument.

“Not even crackheads messed with that,” he said.

Continue reading #rsrh Occupy Wall Street now desecrating churches.

Breaking: Gabby Giffords resigning from Congress.

Congresswoman Giffords, of course, was gravely wounded in 2011 in a murderous attack by a madman that left six dead and thirteen injured. Since then, Giffords has made a remarkable recovery; unfortunately, it apparently has not been enough of a recovery, so she’s resigning in order to concentrate on her health.  The video below of the announcement both shows the extent of her injuries, and the impressive extent to which she’s already surmounted them: I don’t know if Congresswoman Giffords will ever heal fully, but she’s already doing much better than I privately expected.

More here (via Hot Air Headlines): as this is a House seat, the Governor of Arizona will schedule a special election for the remainder of Giffords’ term.  Obviously, our best wishes and prayers for Congresswoman Giffords’ continued recovery.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

#rsrh I call these ‘vodka bottle posts’…

…to wit, you start with a full bottle of vodka, a blank computer screen, and your pain.  You then start filling up the computer screen with words, with an eye towards seeing which runs out first: the pain, or the vodka.  In Jen Rubin’s case, I’m guessing that it was the pain, but not by much.

Sorry if this seems dismissive: it’s just that we go through this every. Four. Years.  Win or lose, it’s always the most awful Republican field since the dawn of time; the earth will crack and the flames of Perdition will wash across our candidates; and the very fabric of space-time itself will reconfigure into a portal from which the Dread Lord Azathoth will summon us all t0 be sanity-shattered servitors piping daemonic music for his court for all eternity. Continue reading #rsrh I call these ‘vodka bottle posts’…

Thoughts on the SC primary.

As mentioned earlier, I was kind of taking last night off, so this will be a little scatter-shot.  Anyway:

  • Heh.  Called it.  Not that getting the order was all that hard, or even unsurprising; also note that I didn’t predict the percentages.  By the way:  the end results (Gingrich 40%, Romney 28%, Santorum 17%, Paul 13%) were pretty close to what PPP predicted (Gingrich 37%, Romney 28%, Santorum 16%, Paul 14%).
  • Sean Trende over at RCP has done a pretty good job explaining just how bad this night was for Mitt Romney.
  • I predict that we’ve heard the last of any suggestion, by the way, that Romney will skipping most or all of the remaining debates.
  • Most importantly: none of this suggests that Newt Gingrich is now the inevitable nominee.  Just that Romney isn’t actually inevitable.  But it’s going to be one of those two.
  • Florida is going to be epic next week.  Nine days of (metaphorical) knife fights in alleys, because there’s some people out there who are scared for the first time in this campaign cycle.  Hope everyone else is prepared for that, because it’s going to happen anyway.
  • Looking further at the schedule… Nevada, Arizona, and Michigan’s caucuses/primaries look like the results will be binding; Maine, Colorado, and Minnesota’s technically will not. Don’t expect that to be reported in the media.
  • If Romney doesn’t start winning primaries, the Super Tuesday narrative will have a disproportionate amount of space dedicated to the minor detail that the frontrunner is not on the ballot in Virginia. Fallout from that: if Romney wins the nomination then Bob McDonnell will not be his Vice Presidential pick.
  • Last but not least: if the Gingrich campaign is wondering what to send RedState in the way of a gift basket, I personally like those chocolate praline stick things.  Although, honestly, I didn’t do the heavy lifting on this one.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

#rsrh This… should have been about half as long, and 1/10 as bitter.

(H/T: Hot Air Headlines) It’s an extremely sarcastic exercise in spleen against Newt Gingrich by John Ziegler, and it needs some rather drastic editing for length.  And then even more editing to avoid gratuitously insulting the conservative base.  And the entire population of South Carolina.  Probably should have avoided suggesting that Gingrich is some sort of ritual magician, come to think of it.  All in all, two things to take away from this article: the first is, this is not how you convince people that you’re right and they, specifically, are wrong.  This is instead how you convince people that you’re being a petulant jackass. Continue reading #rsrh This… should have been about half as long, and 1/10 as bitter.