#rsrh Ann Althouse contemplates the Matter Of Wisconsin. #wirecall

Specifically, how it is that Gov. Scott Walker is in the commanding, about-to-be-ratified-via-popular-vote position that he is in – and make no mistake; when Walker wins the recall election in two weeks it’s going to be a while before the Democrats in Wisconsin are going to want to tangle with his legislative agenda.  Anyway, Ann notes:

I don’t watch all the TV shows, but this week, I’ve watched “American Idol” and part of a couple Brewers games, and I’ve seen ad after ad for Walker. I saw one ad against Walker, and it was a confusing complaint about how Walker is a “rock star.” Idiots! They made him a rock star.

Yes.  Yes, they did. Continue reading #rsrh Ann Althouse contemplates the Matter Of Wisconsin. #wirecall

George Lucas finds last square inch of Star Wars not yet urinated upon.

Hey, did you ever want to see a Star Wars television series about its criminal subculture? …OK, maybe you did; maybe you didn’t; but the idea itself is not objectionable to you, I suspect. Well, it doesn’t really matter, because you’re going to get it anyway… maybe. It’s called “Star Wars: Underworld,” and they’re working on it:

“We’re at a complicated impasse right now,” [Star Wars producer Rick] McCallum told IGN. “We have… 50 scripts [that are] unbelievable. The most provocative, the most bold and daring material that we’ve ever done.”

I know that most of you are wincing at that last sentence, but there may be stubborn holdouts who somehow managed to save vs. stark revelation of sanity-destroying cosmic truth. Allow me to crush your souls.

McCallum added that Underworld will only enter production once George Lucas can make the show “at the cost of maybe $4 or $5 million an episode”.

Continue reading George Lucas finds last square inch of Star Wars not yet urinated upon.

#rsrh To Perdition with false modesty: see, I told you so about Obama’s fundraising.

Buzzfeed, May 20th, 2012: “Big Money Dries Up For Obama Campaign

Donations to President Barack Obama’s reelection campaign declined sharply in April, as many big-dollar contributors hit the legal maximum, a BuzzFeed analysis of Federal Election Commission data shows.


Most of Obama’s drop is attributable to a decline in contributions of more than $500, which fell by more than $9 million. Many of Obama’s top donors have already hit the legal $2500 maximum to the campaign, which — along with an apparent failure to recruit a new cadre of wealthy supporters — may account for the decline.

Continue reading #rsrh To Perdition with false modesty: see, I told you so about Obama’s fundraising.

#rsrh QotD, Time To Divorce Abortion From Feminism, Leftists edition.

(Via @sissywillis) Fay Voshell, on how apparently the pro-choice movement is increasingly becoming comfortable with the (imported) practice of… sex-selective abortion, which in practice means ‘aborting female babies because they have less perceived worth than male ones:’

Feminists have embraced an ideological construct which declares loudly and clearly that any woman can decide that her unborn little girl is worth less than a little boy.  They have gone along with the worst of third-world ethics, declaring female feticide a “choice” they can live with.

This issue has been of some concern to the pro-life community; as the links show, legislation to declare abortions based on race or gender issues as being violations of the Civil Rights Act has been introduced in the House.  Judging from the rather hysterical (using “the frothing reaction” metric: there’s nothing funny about opposing the killing of Asian babies simply because they’re female) reaction from various suspects, it’s unlikely to make it through the Senate this go-round.  Just one more thing for the ‘personally pro-life’ Democratic Senators out there to not take personally…

Moe Lane