The campaign ad that Obama cut for us in 2011 (RNC, Team Romney, take note).

Via Ed Driscoll, via PJ Tatler: Obama in 2011 explaining what he’s going to do to lower gas prices:


Continue reading The campaign ad that Obama cut for us in 2011 (RNC, Team Romney, take note).

#rsrh …Man, is there anywhere that Obama’s NOT doing worse and worse?

This WaPo article by Chris Cillizza and Aaron Blake came so close to getting a significant observation out about the President’s Appalachian/Jacksonian problem…

…if the press coverage of Keith Judd’s surprisingly strong showing two weeks ago in West Virginia is any indication, you can expect [insurgent Democrat Tom] Wolfe to draw significant attention in the immediate aftermath of today’s vote [in the Arkansas Democratic primary].

Couple Wolfe’s candidacy in Arkansas with the fact that Kentucky — another place where Obama isn’t popular with many people who call themselves Democrats — also votes today (Obama faces no opponents in Kentucky, but voters there can select “uncommitted” as an option) and you have the potential for a less-than-friendly narrative regarding Obama come Wednesday. And that would follow 72 hours of coverage about Newark Mayor Cory Booker’s comments about private equity and how it should be off-limits in the campaign.

…only to promptly flub it:

But, what would a Wolfe “surge” actually tell us? And what would it mean in the broader dialogue of the presidential race? Not all that much.

But it doesn’t matter, about Arkansas – and, by implication, Kentucky, West Virginia (and I’ll add Oklahoma to the list, given that Obama did miserably in that primary, too). It doesn’t matter, because Obama won’t win those states anyway, so who cares?

Well, I’m guessing that the following people care:

  • Rep. Ben Chandler (KY-06)
  • Rep. Nick Rahall (WV-03)
  • Democratic nominee (OK-02)
  • Democratic nominee (AR-01)
  • Democratic nominee (AR-04)
  • Senator Joe Manchin, (WV)
  • Governor Earl Ray Tomblin (WV)

…given that they have to actually run for office as Democrats, in states where Barack Obama is apparently running the putatively good collective name of Democrats into the ground.  Trust a Dizzy City columnist to ignore the down-ticket races, of course…

Electoral implications of the Obama Administration’s War on Coal.

Will this be the 2012 election map?

If the Obama administration keeps up their War on Coal (literally: they consider coal more dangerous than terrorism), quite possibly.  And it may be at least partially because of coal. Continue reading Electoral implications of the Obama Administration’s War on Coal.

#rsrh Ah, Wisconsin recall singers. Bad #wirecall singers. Bad, Awful, Horrid singers…

You want to know what the most glaringly obvious thing is about this video?

It’s that Wisconsin progressives can’t write songs worth a tinker’s dam.  Gentlemen, for the love of God:  if you havetostuffalotofwordsinrealfastineveryline of your song, stop what you are doing.  Write down the lines.  Cut the lines until you no longer have to stuff.

…Hold on.  I feel a rant building up. Continue reading #rsrh Ah, Wisconsin recall singers. Bad #wirecall singers. Bad, Awful, Horrid singers…

#rsrh An entertaining 5 minutes, 12 seconds of Obamaflack Ben LaBolt killing his soul.

Or at least stabbing it in the kidney a few times.  Jen Rubin has it right: when you are a spokesman for a candidate and your TV appearance is being sent around by the Other Side’s spokesmen, you had a bad TV appearance.

Moe Lane Continue reading #rsrh An entertaining 5 minutes, 12 seconds of Obamaflack Ben LaBolt killing his soul.

#rsrh QotD, The Partisan Breakdown Is A Feature, Not A Bug Edition.

Ed Morrissey, on the pathetic partisan (take that any way you like) breakdown (ditto) of the latest WaPo/ABC poll (46/49 Romney/Obama):

Today’s D/R/I is 32/22/38, which means this model would only be predictive for a turnout model where only 22% of voters are Republican.  Just to remind readers, the 2008 turnout split from exit polls showed a 39/32/29 split, and that was considered a nadir for Republican turnout.  In the 2010 midterms, the split was 35/35/30.

Take a close look at the Republican representation in WaPo/ABC polls this year. Starting in January, that has been 25%, 23%, 27%, 23%, and now 22%.  The pollster seems incapable of finding a representative number of Republicans for this poll series.  Perhaps that should give the two news organizations involved a hint about finding a new pollster.

Why should they?  The pollster is fulfilling said news organizations’ needs perfectly. Continue reading #rsrh QotD, The Partisan Breakdown Is A Feature, Not A Bug Edition.

#rsrh Penn Jillette is angry about Obama’s hyper-Drug Warrior hypocrisy. (NSFW)

Shorter Penn Jillette (very, very profanely), about President Obama’s smirking about his past drug use and current status as the head honcho for the War On Some Drugs: “It’s not a G*d-d*mned joke!”

Oh, it’s a joke, all right.  The technical term for it is “Dark Humor,” and I when write that you should take into account that I used to write amateur gaming material for a roleplaying setting that had that concept be a literal evocation of Evil. Continue reading #rsrh Penn Jillette is angry about Obama’s hyper-Drug Warrior hypocrisy. (NSFW)