#rsrh Jon Stewart kicks the WI recallers while they’re down.

And by ‘down’ I mean… oh, just watch the video. I kept waiting for Stewart to leave off kicking the Left on this – I was prepared and ready to accept that Stewart would leave off kicking the Left – but he. Did. Not. Stop.

Unless there was more than what was on that clip. But what was on that clip was not so much brutal as it was completely aimed at one side. That wasn’t mine. Highly surreal.


…Well, there’s supposed to be a picture of HPL’s headstone there. Weirdly, I can get the picture from the iPod to the iPad, and I can get the picture from the iPad up to BlogPress… but it all falls down from there.

For the record: Swan Point Cemetery is a very nice graveyard. Well-designed.

#rsrh JammieWF.com has a (unfortunately) HYSTERICAL video…

…via the MacIver Institute that you absolutely have to watch. I’m not embedding it because Jimmie and the rest of the guys could use the traffic, and I’m just swell like that sometimes… hush, ye peanut gallery scoffers! HUSH!

Continue reading #rsrh JammieWF.com has a (unfortunately) HYSTERICAL video…

#rsrh Question: what if Obama had bailed on WI recall after the primary.

The Hill reports that the Obama administration is privately “fretting” about Tuesday’s Wisconsin recall vote… as well they should, as it was an unmitigated* disaster. The interesting thing: it was also a predictable disaster. In fact, it was a predicted disaster. Once the primary results came in, it was clear that there wasn’t a chance for the Democrats to topple either Gov. Walker, or Lt. Gov Kleefisch. Which leads to the question: what would have happened if Obama and the national Democratic party had come out and simply admitted it?

The short answer is, of course, that Obama would have been scapegoated for the loss. The unions and progressives would be screaming right now about how they had been stabbed in the back; the media would be lecturing the President about how he did not use his power to save Tom Barrett; and the conservative grassroots would not be taken as seriously as they are being taken, right now. Which is an alternative way of saying that the unions would not be looking impotent; the President would not be looking powerless; and the conservative grassroots would not have a prime recruiting tool.

Sounds a bit different when put that way, huh? Fortunately, the President is a narcissist who loves his own image too much to tolerate damaging it for the sake of mere moral courage, so we dodged a bullet there.

(Via Hot Air Headlines)

Moe Lane

*The likely gain of a state Senate seat by the Democrats is not a mitigation, for two reasons. First, the WI Senate will not meet again before January 2013, by which time it will be likely again under the control of the GOP (thanks to redistricting**). Second, WI Democrats will be on the hook for everything Walker does and they didn’t stop. What’s that? The two reasons are contradictory? Yup! Isn’t politics fun?

**Elections have consequences.

Did the White House make Bill Clinton recant opposition to job-killing tax hikes?

As the American Action Forum (AAF) notes, pretty much.  Quick background: it more or less got overlooked, but former President Clinton argued yesterday (June 5th) that it would be advisable for the ‘Bush tax cuts’ (which is Dizzy-City speak for ‘current tax baseline’) to be ‘temporarily’ (read: ‘permanently’) instituted, even if it would benefit the ‘wealthiest Americans’ (translation: it’s probably not a good idea to kick American small businesses in the kidneys again).  That this is contrary to current administration policy is apparently not serving as a warning sign to the White House that maybe they should be changing said policy, despite the fact that Democrats are apparently starting to line up in order to get their new-found distance from the Obama administration.  Instead, the administration apparently twisted some arms, and hey presto! – Bill Clinton is retracting:

…a spokesman for Mr. Clinton issued a statement walking back the comments. It said that Mr. Clinton “doesn’t believe the tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans should be extended again.”

Two things about this: first, never trust a Democratic politician to stay sensible on fiscal policy.  Second… never trust a Democratic politician to stay sensible on fiscal policy*.  Continue reading Did the White House make Bill Clinton recant opposition to job-killing tax hikes?

#rsrh You’d think nobody’s ever caused a netrooter to flip out before.

The reaction to this has been a fascinating thing to watch, on both sides. Maybe I’m just Old-School, but it’s not exactly shocking to me that there are Left-blogosphere sites that will start screaming at the drop of a hat; this used to happen all the time, you know.  It’s just that the Left-Sphere has been long since gelded into being cheer/yell leaders for the Democratic Establishment, and the Right-Sphere has long since graduated to going after the Democratic Establishment.

For some reason, this just seems to be the epitome of it all:

Forty bucks for a two hour debate?  Dear God but these people are pikers: try one thousand per hour, Sparky, topic set in advance, and keep your hands off of the mute button.  Assuming that I even feel like accepting that, either: after all, it might interfere with my election coverage. Continue reading #rsrh You’d think nobody’s ever caused a netrooter to flip out before.