The reaction to this has been a fascinating thing to watch, on both sides. Maybe I’m just Old-School, but it’s not exactly shocking to me that there are Left-blogosphere sites that will start screaming at the drop of a hat; this used to happen all the time, you know. It’s just that the Left-Sphere has been long since gelded into being cheer/yell leaders for the Democratic Establishment, and the Right-Sphere has long since graduated to going after the Democratic Establishment.
For some reason, this just seems to be the epitome of it all:

Forty bucks for a two hour debate? Dear God but these people are pikers: try one thousand per hour, Sparky, topic set in advance, and keep your hands off of the mute button. Assuming that I even feel like accepting that, either: after all, it might interfere with my election coverage. Continue reading #rsrh You’d think nobody’s ever caused a netrooter to flip out before.