Buy A PC, get an xBox! …For COLLEGE?

Apparently so.  Goodness gracious - now there’s a phrase you probably don’t often see on Tumblr - but that just says everything about modern education, right there. Look, if you want to buy an Xbox, go ahead (no, seriously, go right ahead, click that link, and buy one).  Heck, if you want to buy me an Xbox, go right ahead.  But let’s not pretend that doing one will be a net positive for your grades, ‘kay?

(Via @JakeW)

Karen Harrington (R CAND, FL-23) invites Paul Ryan to campaign in her district.

I happened to be on a conference call with FL-23 candidate Karen Harrington, who of course is the person facing DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz in the general election.  So it’s going to be a tough race; after all, if there’s any seat that the Democrats would be personally embarrassed to lose, it’d be this one.  But when I asked directly whether Karen Harrington would welcome Paul Ryan campaigning for her in the district, she replied:

Absolutely… it would be a honor to have someone of Paul Ryan’s stature. Absolutely: not just because he’s the Vice President [nominee]; if he didn’t accept that role, and it was just Congressman Paul Ryan I would welcome him.

I bring this up because a number of people started this week by suggesting that adding Paul Ryan to the ticket would hurt the GOP downticket, particularly in states like Florida.  While that argument seems to have largely died off – mostly of embarrassment, apparently – I would be remiss in my duties if I didn’t point out that Republican candidates and politicians don’t seem to be particularly nervous about the Ryan pick.  In fact, the default emotion that I’ve been detecting seems to be reliefContinue reading Karen Harrington (R CAND, FL-23) invites Paul Ryan to campaign in her district.

#rsrh Some day I want to hear what Joe Biden did to Doug Wilder.

I suspect that whatever it was, it was memorable.

At a fundraiser at the Richmond, VA Marriott tonight for the Romney campaign, there was a surprise guest. Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell introduced Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, who in turn introduced Rep. Paul Ryan. But before McDonnell took the mic, another figure was acknowledging dignitaries in the crowd. Among those dignitaries addressed from the stage, was former Virginia Gov. Douglas Wilder, according to a Tatler source who was there.

Moe Lane

PS: Exactly how somebody goes to the wrong fundraiser by accident – particularly one this high-level – is left as an exercise for the interested student.

#rsrh #MSNBC’s Rachel @maddow forced to retract Scott Brown plagiarism charge. [UPDATED]

Oh, this is embarrassing: apparently, a hardcore Lefty group had made the claim that incumbent Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown had plagiarized a somewhat obscure Democratic candidate for North Carolina state Senate.  If you’re asking yourself why Brown would do something like that, congratulations: you’re showing one of the traits necessary to make a go with it in New Media.  To wit, the ability to keep asking questions rather than just accept the first answer.  In this case, it turns out that the aforementioned Democratic candidate (Hi, Earline Parmon!) had ripped off Scott Brown, not the other way around*. This revelation unfortunately comes too late for Rachel Maddow, who had to post an embarrassing retraction after accusing the Senator of plagiarism.  As you can imagine, Red Mass Group** is taking a victory lap on this one.

Now, what was that brag of the mainstream media, again?  “Layers of editors and fact-checkers,” or something like that?

Moe Lane Continue reading #rsrh #MSNBC’s Rachel @maddow forced to retract Scott Brown plagiarism charge. [UPDATED]

So my wife is flipping through The Wolves in the Walls…

The Wolves in the Walls being, of course, what Neil Gaiman writes when he sets out to write a children’s novel.  In between bouts of laughter, she says This “If the wolves come out of the walls, it’s all over.” thing must be a British saying, or something, and I reply From what I know about Neil Gaiman, it could very well be that he made it up, comfortable in the knowledge that his British readers will assume that it’s an American thing and that his American readers will assume that it’s a British thing.

Which is fine, even if true (I remain deliberately agnostic on the subject): these sayings have to come from somewhere, and Neil Gaiman’s a better source for them than most.

Former VA Governor Doug Wilder (D) smacks around Joe Biden over ‘Chains’ comment.

I assume that everyone is checked out on the basic story? Vice President Joe Biden Opened His Mouth at a majority-African American audience in Virginia and told that audience that if Romney got elected they were all going to end up in chains (he also told them that they were in North Carolina, but that kind of reality-based ambiguity is more or less baked into the cake that is Joe Biden).  The White House has decided to pretend that they didn’t hear about it right away… sure you didn’t, Mister President – and that the whole thing is a ‘distraction,’ which is Beltway-speak for ‘a solid sucker punch right to the solar plexus.’ I’d say that Obama has gotten surprisingly adroit at sounding like a typical Dizzy City political… ah, ‘operative’… except that this would be unfair to the Chicago political machine.  Mendacity and baldfaced lying are part of the Illinois Combine – and they’re good at it, thank you very much.

Well, former Governor Wilder isn’t too happy about the entire situation:

Continue reading Former VA Governor Doug Wilder (D) smacks around Joe Biden over ‘Chains’ comment.

#rsrh QotD, One Reason Is All That Geraghty Needed edition.

Jim Geraghty, on the sudden Beltway whispers that Joe Biden might wish to think about spending more time with his family:

[A] sudden Biden departure won’t happen and can’t happen, for a couple of reasons. First, it would require President Obama to admit a mistake.

…and that ends it, pretty much there.  This is mostly all about Establishment DC laying down its own markers in anticipation of a Romney-Ryan win, anyway; when Obama loses the usual suspects will all blame Biden for it, and never mind everything else.

Moe Lane

PS: Regarding the debates… I certainly hope that the Romney-Ryan team has got some very vicious, very ruthless people debate prepping Paul Ryan on foreign policy.  Because the expectations for Biden aren’t just low: they’ve crashed through the floor, and are now in an impact crater in the basement muttering about space.  Paul Ryan needs to make Joe Biden reel during their debate.