#rsrh For all your RNC Fast & Furious response needs.

Yesterday, Florida Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, House Foreign Affairs chair, more or less unloaded on the administration for their stonewalling on Operation Fast & Furious.  Below are some handy links, audio, text, and two embeddable videos of said unloading: feel free to pass them around.  Particularly the ones that are in Spanish.

Continue reading #rsrh For all your RNC Fast & Furious response needs.

#rsrh QotD, Not That Obama Would Have Held The Trial In DC Edition.

Vanity Fair:

In an adaptation from his new book, The Finish—first reported for Vanity Fair—magazine contributing editor Mark Bowden reveals that President Obama intended to put Osama bin Laden on trial in the federal court system if he had been captured, rather than killed, during the Abbottabad raid.

But I guarantee that the trial wouldn’t have been in DC. Or Chicago. Or any other city that Obama wouldn’t have wanted to be a magnet for car bombs for the next three decades.

Anyway, I guess that this puts the final nail in that football that Obama keeps trying to spike over bin Laden.  Thank God that Navy SEALS have a better grasp on elementary counter-terrorism reality than Barack Obama does… Continue reading #rsrh QotD, Not That Obama Would Have Held The Trial In DC Edition.

What the Obamaphone Woman Video ACTUALLY teaches us.

So, via Erick I see that the Atlantic is having a tizzy – or possibly an episode – over this Obamaphone Woman video…


Oh, dear: wrong video.  Can’t imagine how that got in there.  Here’s the real one.

Continue reading What the Obamaphone Woman Video ACTUALLY teaches us.

#rsrh Mia Love (R CAND, UT-04) now ahead in Deseret News/KSL poll.

Pretty significant turnaround:

Love, a Republican, now leads the six-term Democratic congressman 49 percent to 43 percent. Dan Jones & Associates found that among registered voters, 36 percent definitely favor Love, while 13 percent lean her way. The poll showed 31 percent definitely voting for Matheson and 12 percent leaning toward him. Eight percent are undecided.


A Deseret News/KSL poll that Jones conducted in June had Matheson leading Love 53 percent to 38 percent.

Still, as they say: the only poll that counts is the one on Election Day.  Mia Love for UT-04.

Obama: ‘protecting’ American lady-parts. Egyptian ones? …Well, not so much.

Let’s connect the dots:

One. This is from the official Tumblr of the Obama re-election campaign (click it fast, because it won’t be there soon): [UPDATE: Well, that was fast.]


Two. We are giving aid to Egypt.  Which is to say, we are giving Egypt $450 million of your tax money.

Three. Egypt, of course, is run by the Muslim Brotherhood.  This is what the Muslim Brotherhood thinks of Female Genital Mutilation:

  • Saad El Katatny, the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood bloc in parliament, says his movement is not opposed to the child law as a whole, rather “just those provisions that run counter to the norms, customs, and nature of the Egyptian people.” Aspects of the law that he takes issue with include articles that make it illegal to try children as adults, permit birth certificates for the children of unwed mothers, restrict corporal punishment, raise the marriage age to 18 years, and reinforce a standing ban on female circumcision.” (2008)
  • Female Advisor to Egyptian President: Girls Not Circumcised “Lacking in Faith” Earlier this week, Egypt’s Tahrir News conducted an interview with Dr. Amina Kamal, advisor to President Morsi on Women’s Affairs, a member of the Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice party, and a member of the Constituent Assembly.” (2012)
  • A number of Egyptian human rights groups have submitted a communication to the Attorney General Abdel Meguid Mahmoud against the Muslim Brotherhood`s political arm, the Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) to investigate the complaints of people in the village of Abu Aziz in the Minya governorate, south of Cairo, over the existence of a large medical convoy organized by the party that wanders streets and does medical examination on people, including female circumcision, or female genital mutilation, in violation of Egyptian law, conventions and treaties signed by Egypt.” (2012)
  • Muslim Brotherhood (MB) MP Mohamed el-Omda objected to the criminalization of female circumcision in the presence of his three daughters and his mother.” (2012)
  • For those wondering why on earth (in spite of the many rebuttals from Islamic clerics that FGM is distinctly un-Islamic) the Muslim Brotherhood have decided to virtually campaign on their support of it? Perhaps a view down the lens of social currency is helpful. Certainly we are not unfamiliar here in the UK with the idea of politicians aligning themselves with moral currencies such as marriage and sexuality in the face of the rapid decline of monetary capital. The Muslim Brotherhood also find that taking the [dubious] moral high-ground of chastity and honour avails them the opportunity to triumphantly reach into the heart of the vast majority of economically deprived Egyptians without offering any actual policies to relieve their hardship.” (2008)

Four.  Let’s look at that Tumblr again, shall we?


Five.  I think that I do agree with the Tumblr, after all: American women should vote to protect lady-parts.  Which is to say, they should be voting for Romney-Ryan.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

RS Interview: Vernon Parker (R CAND, AZ-09).

Arizona’s Ninth District is a new one created because of redistricting, and it’s shaping up to be one of the interesting races* this cycle: not least of which is because the Democrat tapped for it is, well, nuts.  I spoke with Vernon Parker  – the non-crazy one – about the race:

Vernon’s site is here.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

*Also possibly one of the nastier ones, alas.  This flyer is reportedly being sent around, showing a picture of Vernon Parker that was noticeably darkened.  Which is a horrible thing to accuse the Arizona Democratic party of – only, the Utah Democratic party did pretty much the same thing to Mia Love.  It’s heart-breaking that there are still sad, ignorant people out there who think that this sort of thing actually works…

#rsrh Crass – and frankly, unerotic – sex blogtalk takes down Keith Fitzgerald’s (D CAND, FL-16) comm director.

Now this is what I call wasteful: “Dem Candidate’s Comms Director Resigns After WatchdogWire Report.

The details are, alas, FAR too salacious to be repeated here, especially since my readers are clearly too refined to have them recounted – what’s that?  Oh, right, sorry: here’s the link.  Be sure to listen to the video if you’ve ever wondered what a woman faking an orgasm sounds like – but the real tragedy?  It’s FL-16.  Vern Buchanan was going to steamroller Keith Fitzgerald anyway.

Moe Lane

PS: Here’s a pro-tip for all those budding Communications Directors out there: your job is to transmit your boss’s irrational prejudices, woolly thinking, and general asshattery.  Not your own.  Nobody cares what you think.  If they did, you’d be the one who would need to have a Communications Director.