I was promised food pills, myself.

I can’t say that I blame Iowahawk for being upset, though.

On the other hand, they really came through when it came to communicators, huh? And datapads. Hell, at this rate we’re going to get tricorders available at Target within twenty years.

QotD, I Already Knew This Instinctively, Of Course edition

And so did you.

James Taranto, on why the media is circling the wagons around Fox News:

Why the surprising show of solidarity–especially from the Times, which has labored mightily to rationalize away the other big Obama scandals, around Benghazi and the Internal Revenue service? Because they realize the Obama administration’s days are numbered (the number is 1,333 as of today). Even if Holder’s justice department wouldn’t dream of going after the New York Times–and the AP story calls that assumption into question–a future administration might not be so afraid of being seen as Torquemada. So we’re all Fox News now.

Let this precedent stand and future Republican administrations WILL take advantage of it. This is not a bluff; this is a promise to enthusiastically apply negative feedback to unwanted behaviors.

Via Instapundit.

Michele Bachmann to not seek fifth term.

Michele Bachmann‘s either about to be under investigation or running for Senate; either way, good luck trying to pick up a R+8 district in this election cycle, Democrats.  The woman’s not on my Christmas card list, for various and sundry reasons, but I will forgive her a bit for providing me with some indirect amusement next year.  You see, the Left is telling itself that they were going to win this district next year anyway, and now they’re going to be sure that the Democrat candidate that couldn’t win last cycle is going to win this cycle.  Despite the fact that his candidacy will be doomed the moment somebody demands, point blank, that he explicitly reject House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi*…

Moe Lane

*Now there’s a person that the Democrats should be conniving to force into retirement.  But they won’t, bless their hearts.

Left’s War On Science Watch: Reason goes to see the anti-GMO crazypants.

You know that Reason.tv‘s got a good video when they can’t get past the intro without being (apparently) assaulted by one of Teh Crazy People.  In this particular case, it’s Teh Anti-GMO Crazy people.  You know: the ones that the Democrats don’t llike to talk about when the conversation turns to The War On Science.

Via Pejman Yousefzadeh, whose title says it all: “People Who Are Against Genetically Modified Foods Are Ill-Informed, and Willing to Let Millions Starve to Death.” With one caveat: it may be closer to tens of millions at this point. Not that the anti-GMO people really care.  Or are capable of doing basic math.  Or have even the most basic understanding of the history of technology*…

Continue reading Left’s War On Science Watch: Reason goes to see the anti-GMO crazypants.

@barackobama FINALLY takes @governorperry’s advice on Syria no-fly zone.

Took Obama a while, of course.  It always does.

“The White House has tasked the Joint Chiefs of Staff to plan for a no-fly zone inside Syria, that would be done on a multilateral basis with countries such as France and Britain,” said Newsweek/The Daily Beast’s senior correspondent Josh Rogin.

Continue reading @barackobama FINALLY takes @governorperry’s advice on Syria no-fly zone.

Oh, noes: Barack Obama planning another charm offensive on #obamacare.

I’d say “Third time’s the charm,” except I’ve frankly lost count.

Guess the GOP’s doomed, then.

President Obama often tells audiences that he has waged his last campaign. But that’s not exactly true.

The White House is gearing up for a massive campaign this summer that will cover all 50 states, plus Washington, D.C. And the president’s legacy may hinge on whether it succeeds or fails.

The Affordable Care Act, or “Obamacare,” has been through more life-and-death cliffhangers than a season finale of Homeland. After squeaker votes in Congress and a 5-4 ruling upholding the law at the Supreme Court, now there’s another big hurdle: getting uninsured people to buy health care when it becomes available Oct. 1.

Well, it would be, if Barack Obama had one tenth the charm that his followers think he has – and about one fourth the charm that he thinks that he has.

Continue reading Oh, noes: Barack Obama planning another charm offensive on #obamacare.

Have been chewing through The Tome of Bill series.

Short version: The Tome of Bill (by tome of bill, Rick Gualtieri) is about this nerd who becomes a vampire, stays a nerd, can’t keep his fool mouth shut, gets a bunch of Mary Sue-type special abilities, and needs every single damn one of them just to stay alive because he REALLY doesn’t know how to keep his fool mouth shut.  The Kindle versions are going for four bucks apiece and they’re well worth the price; the language is unfortunate (says he, piously), but the plot is pretty good, the characters entertaining, and the tone is actually pretty light.  I’d try the first one, at least.

There may be something wrong with my #nerdrage.

I can’t seem to muster it up when it comes to dealing with Kickstarter delays.  And it’s just Kickstarter; product delays in other situations gets the irrationally intense petulant anger operating just fine (although I carefully hide it, because, you know, it’s really lame).  Weird.

No, seriously, I’m not even losing my sh*t about the OGRE delays. Then again, I figured that the original December 2012 delivery date was an exercise in wishful thinking crack-smoking anyway.