For the record, with regard to the current farm bill. (Only technically SFW)

Just to make it clear:

  • I am assuming that the current farm bill is a huge pile of pigsh*t.  Only less useful as fertilizer.
  • I have not researched it to determine how the current farm bill is a huge pile of pigsh*t, largely because every other farm bill in my lifetime has been a huge pile of pigsh*t and after a while in this business you learn to spot trends.
  • I am also assuming that none of you need to be told that the current farm bill is a huge pile of pigsh*t.
  • Do any of you have the bribe money necessary to make a viable counter-offer that would set this huge pile of pigsh*t on fire?  No?  Don’t feel bad; neither do I.
  • I’ll be less mildly cynical about the situation as soon as I hear a viable plan for setting this huge pile of pigsh*t on fire that does not include the implicit step And then a miracle happens.  Which I privately anticipate will be a factor in every solution that gets proposed.

Sorry, folks. The agricultural industry has, as it has been put, “awesome iconography.” And don’t they just know it, too.

Americans increasingly deciding Barack Obama really WOULD use the IRS against his foes.

I believe that this was the CNN/ORC poll question that made David Plouffe freak out earlier today:


The percentage of people who think that the IRS story is very important dropped from 55% to 51% in the last month, sure – but in that same time period the reaction to it has solidified.  Half the country thinks that the IRS was ordered by the White House to target conservative groups.  And guess what?  It’s including parts of the country that the administration was kind of hoping wouldn’t be susceptible: Continue reading Americans increasingly deciding Barack Obama really WOULD use the IRS against his foes.

I am an American citizen. Let kings tremble*.

Contrary to popular the President’s belief:

…we are not persons, we are not inhabitants, and we are emphatically not subjects. We are citizensContinue reading I am an American citizen. Let kings tremble*.

Alaska’s LT GOV Mead Treadwell to run for Senate in 2014.

Well, this should be interesting:

Alaska Lt. Gov. Mead Treadwell (R) announced Tuesday that he will officially challenge Sen. Mark Begich (D) in 2014, transitioning from an exploratory committee to a full-fledged campaign.

“This intense exploratory effort has convinced me that I have the support necessary to build a winning campaign,” Treadwell said on his Web site. “Today I’m taking the next step by announcing that I will not seek re-election as Alaska’s lieutenant governor and have begun to file documents required as a candidate for the United States Senate in 2014.”

(More via Roll Call) Lt. Governor is a good get; Treadwell was elected in 2010 and Sean Parnell isn’t going anywhere, any time soon, so this is a good lateral move for the Lt. Governor.

Continue reading Alaska’s LT GOV Mead Treadwell to run for Senate in 2014.

GREEN SLIME in the Philly sewers!!!!!

In retrospect – budget cuts, or no – the Philadelphia Water Department probably shouldn’t have stolen the diamond eye of that sleeping spider-god in that ruined underground temple down at the third sub-level.  Especially while the comet was in the sky during a full moon.

Continue reading GREEN SLIME in the Philly sewers!!!!!

Tweet of the Day, @davidplouffe Comes Down With The Unskew edition.

Well, it’s official: nobody is immune to poll rationalization.


Moe Lane

PS: I will admit: I thought that David Plouffe would have gotten the Unskew vaccine as a matter of course.  But it would seem that the man has a smaller skill set than two successful Presidential elections might have suggested.  Fascinating.