Tweet of the Day, Would That @BarackObama Took The Hint edition.

Unfortunately, the demonization of half the country is probably going to proceed apace.

Moe Lane

PS: Free hint to Democrats who are supposedly ‘worried’ about the Republican party: if you’re so bloody anxious about all those moderate GOP legislators in danger from the big, bad Tea Party then maybe you should start offering some concessions so that said legislators can get some maneuvering room. …No? Well, I never believed that they had our best interests in mind in the first place.

The SpaceX Grasshopper VTVL* test.

It’s a rocketship made the way that God and Bob Heinlein intended:

Takes off on a jet of fire, lands on a pillar of fire. Only went up just under 2,441 feet this time, but that’s why they make prototypes.



*Vertical Takeoff, Vertical Landing. Had to look it up, myself.

New, believable video claims Cory Booker doesn’t actually maintain a Newark residence.

Oh, Cory. You don’t even live in Newark?

Moe Lane

PS: …Steve Lonegan for Senate.

PPS: I know that people find this bizarre, but: I do miss many things about New Jersey. Especially the way people talk up there. You just can’t get good sarcasm down here; it’s like the pizza.

#MillionVetMarch assembles peacefully, pulls down Lincoln Memorial #barrycades.

The Lincoln Memorial is not the federal government’s prop.

Barack Obama is not a king.

We are not his subjects.

So, here. Have your goram barrycades back.

Mister President.

Twitchy is covering this: see here and here. I may also get some access to photos from a buddy of mine who was there; I’ll let you know if I do.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

Pretty much this.

I’m fortunate in that my few personal political conversations with the Other Side are with people who don’t want to be rude to me, but I can still see that it’s getting out of hand elsewhere:

Joel Pollak at writes, Liberal Intolerance: You Believe What?:

I was at a dinner recently where I happened to be seated at a table with new acquaintances of the liberal political persuasion.

We went around the table introducing ourselves. As I said that I work for a “conservative website,” a man at the far end of the table made his displeasure known by booing. He wasn’t kidding.

These were professional, accomplished, senior members of the community. They had never met a conservative before. Their first reaction was hostile. No one chided the man who booed, or apologized on his behalf for his rudeness, or laughed to break the tension.

Continue reading Pretty much this.

Citizens visit/cops clear Lincoln Memorial.

Via Gateway Pundit (glad to see Jim’s back, by the way), I would hesitate to call this ‘storming:’

Ordinary Americans have difficulty with the concept.  I mean, those barrycades are public property: sure, they’re in the way, but the cops might need them for traffic flow for an event later.  So just move them somewhere where they won’t be a bother and go see the Lincoln Memorial.

Which is, by the way, theirs.

But don’t worry: the Democratic leadership finally got to live the dream today!  Yup, that’s right: they got to order the cops to clear and close down the Lincoln Memorial. Guess that they can all cross that off their bucket list.

Moe Lane