In the… Kindle: Space Eldritch II: The Haunted Stars.

I picked up the first one a while back, and since Space Eldritch II: The Haunted Stars had stories by Larry Correia and Howard Tayler in it, I figured that I’d use some of that sweet, sweet referral money to pick it up.  Through three or four of the stories, so far: and… well.  Things haven’t been going well for the heroes in them, thus far.  That entire Cthulhu Mythos thing, you understand.

Kind of the point, really. Continue reading In the… Kindle: Space Eldritch II: The Haunted Stars.

Former Gov. Brian Schweitzer (D, MT) wants us to ‘cozy up’ to Iran.


His words, not mine. That first link is to the video: text below.

“What’s interesting is not that we are going to have a treaty with Iran, it’s going to tip the balance away from the Saudis and the Egyptians to the Persians, the enemies for the last 3,000 years to the Arabs,” he said, pointing out that he had lived in the Middle East for seven years. “Big changes are happening in the Middle East. If we cozy up to Iran, we are not going to need Saudis anymore. We will be energy independent.”

The bolding is mine; and I am just going to note here that if Gov. Schweitzer thinks that he can run for President on a platform of ‘cozying up’ to a regime that thinks Death to America and Death to Israel are perfectly normal and unobjectionable policy statements, then Gov. Schweitzer is free to try. And I’ll add this: rhetoric like that might work in a Democratic primary. It won’t fly in the general. Continue reading Former Gov. Brian Schweitzer (D, MT) wants us to ‘cozy up’ to Iran.

Cover Oregon giving out people’s personal #obamacare information by accident.

‘By accident’ is not a valid excuse, by the way.

What we can learn from this story about Cover Oregon – yes, it’s the exchange with the songs – and its operating methodology:

  1. Cover Oregon is still incapable of processing applications online.
  2. Anyone who mailed an application will have at least a month’s lag time before they get a response.
  3. If there’s a problem with the application, they’ll mail it back to the applicant.  For ‘clarification.’
  4. And then they’ll send over other people’s applications, too!  Just in case the first applicant happened to know the answer, I suppose.

I would note here that #1 through #3 are not in fact good things.  Or even bad things.  They are no-good rotten things that would give a 1950s government bureaucrat cold chills at the thought of just how horribly his organizational grandchildren have made a mess of the system that he and his compatriots put together to keep the country running while America fought the Cold War.  I want to note this because it’s important that people understand just how badly Barack Obama has failed with his signature program.  He’s called into question the entire point of liberalism to begin with: a fact that will distress the people who won’t read this, even if it won’t particularly distress the people who will.

Continue reading Cover Oregon giving out people’s personal #obamacare information by accident.

Reminder: just over two days on the “Dogs Playing Magic – Full Color Poster” Kickstarter.

Not to noodge, but I would like the wallpaper for this.

I also have a 100% success rate on picking Kickstarters to date, which doesn’t really mean anything but it sounds good. Also: the guy hit his shipping timelines last time? I bought the D&D one (actually, CoC) and I am very happy with it. It looms over the craft room. Still sometimes startles my wife.


Ooh, there’s nothing like seeing a Blue-on-Blue war in California:

To avenge his defeat, former Rep. Pete Stark, D-Calif., has promised to put his financial means and political mettle toward ousting his successor.

Last November, Rep. Eric Swalwell upset the 20-term Democrat by a slim margin. Their race proved to be one of the state’s most bitter battles between two Democrats, thanks in part to California’s new primary system.

Basically, Pete Stark is old, and crazy, and possibly violent; and you could conceivably argue that the entire point of California’s jungle primary system was that it was specifically intended to get Stark out of office.  God knows he was Exhibit A.  But… being crazy, old, and possibly violent, and yet possessed of the resources and influence that kept him in office for four decades, Stark has decided to pick a likely candidate (State Senate Majority Leader Ellen Corbett) and use her to beat Swalwell.  And by beat I may very well mean ‘use her as a physical club.’ Continue reading Pete Stark returns to FEAST ON REP. ERIC SWALWELL’S SOUL.

Will Senator Charles Schumer (D, NY) stand with @BarackObama, or with our allies?

There is a saying: People are always most conservative about the things that they care about. Senator Charles Schumer apparently cares quite a good deal about our ally Israel not being consumed in a nuclear fire.  His remarks Sunday night about Iranian sanctions:

Via Hot Air, including a partial transcript.  Spoilers: Schumer’s for more sanctions, and is worried about what will happen to Israel if Iran gets a nuke.  Like most of the rest of the country, mind you. Continue reading Will Senator Charles Schumer (D, NY) stand with @BarackObama, or with our allies?

The Onion explains (obliquely) why Democrats should ignore #ofa’s #obamacare Thanksgiving advice.

Point (The Daily Caller):

America’s families will soon get their turkey, potatoes and cranberries at Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners — but some will also get a tableside political pitch for the Obamacare insurance network.

President Barack Obama’s deputies at Organizing for Action are urging supporters to give an Obamacare pitch to their relatives during the most iconic of American family and religious events.

“Take advantage of downtime after meals or between holiday activities to start your talk,” says OFA’s marketing script, titled “Health Care for the Holidays.”

Counter-point (The Onion):

In an effort to ensure a smooth and enjoyable dinner with their relatives, siblings Jason, Alyssa, and Leslie Conroy reportedly sat down together Tuesday evening for a PowerPoint presentation covering all of the conversation topics that will be off-limits during the family’s Thanksgiving gathering. “As you can see here, we’re unsure whether or not cousin Jessica is actually college-bound, so we’re going to avoid that subject and stick to the key talking points listed in this table,” said Alyssa Conroy, 26, during the siblings’ 48-slide presentation, which reportedly featured pie charts breaking down the state and national voting histories of extended family members, as well as Venn diagrams illustrating what each relative knows about their father’s upcoming surgery.

Continue reading The Onion explains (obliquely) why Democrats should ignore #ofa’s #obamacare Thanksgiving advice.

The Doom that came to Denmark (Don’t click the link if you like tranquil sleep).

Lovecraft reference, not political. 

Here, meet the Danish royal family.


Yes, that is a real painting.  I am not going to compete with this description of it; I could, mind you, but I respect the artistry that went into that description too much to try to eclipse it.

Via AoSHQ.

Moe Lane

PS …Seriously, what the hell is that?

PPS: I would like to note for the record that the grandfather of the Queen of Denmark (Christian X) happened to be one of the few people in World War II who told Adolf Hitler to go f*ck himself over persecuting the Jews, and he did that while the Nazis were occupying his country. So, you know, maybe this was a little rude.