Tweet/Picture of the Day, The Symbolism Should Be Obvious edition.

Although basic honesty forces me to note that the picture might be worth something as memorabilia in about thirty, forty years.

Especially if everybody else also throws theirs out.

Excuse me, Hillary Clinton: the earth revolves around the sun, Marxism is bad, & businesses create jobs.

It takes a person who has almost literally done nothing else besides politics her entire life to say something this dumb:


“And don’t let anybody, don’t let anybody tell you that, umm, you know, that it’s corporations and businesses that create jobs.”

…I feel bad for the people who are contractually obligated to make a silk purse out of this nonsense, you know? I know I shouldn’t, because they wouldn’t feel bad for me; but I still have professional pride, and part of that is recognizing, and feeling empathy for, when other people have to take a hit to theirs.  This is awful stuff to have to spin to anybody except a hardcore progressive, and possibly even some of them are wincing at this one.

The 2016 Democratic primaries are going to be fascinating.  The idea is to run away from an unpopular President, guys.  Towards the center.

Moe Lane

MSNBC: those Nazis in Texas with their driver’s license laws! (…Which are much like, erm, Maryland’s*.)

OK, let’s set the scene:

[Lynne] Messinger said she spoke to a clerk at the desk, and explained that she had a California driver’s license. She has houses in both California and Texas and goes back and forth between the two, but decided several years ago to switch her voting residency to Texas.

The clerk left for a few minutes, then told her to take a seat. At that point, Messinger said, a state trooper summoned her into his back office, saying he needed to speak to her. Once inside his office, Messinger said the trooper insisted on seeing all the documentation she had brought, and demanded to know where she lives and pays taxes. He even told her she could be jailed for driving with a California license.* It is illegal to drive in Texas on another state’s driver’s license 90 days after moving into the state.

Continue reading MSNBC: those Nazis in Texas with their driver’s license laws! (…Which are much like, erm, Maryland’s*.)

Tweet of the Day, That’s Not A Good Thing To Say During A Gubernatorial Debate edition.

Speaking objectively: is there, in point of fact, a good way to answer this question?

I mean, I understand that not all sex offenders are, say, pedophiles. But I’m personally trying to think of a class of sex offender that I’d want around my kids anyway, and I’m kind of drawing a blank. As did, apparently, Governor Hickenlooper of Colorado. Alas for him, he signed off on a policy of letting sex offenders work with kids without violating the sex offender’s parole and I didn’t, so his inability to justify that is a problem.

Moe Lane

PS: I happen to think, by the way, that there are serious problems with making two minors sex offenders. Apparently, so does John Hickenlooper… but, again, I’m a guy on the Internet and he’s the governor of Colorado. Why hasn’t he done something about the situation?

American Bridge’s (read: Michelle Nunn’s) incompetent attempt to smear David Perdue.

I know that I wrote this up already, but I did before I got some critical information on the subject. To recap: this afternoon, [Brad] [Oops! – ML] Woodhouse (chief minion of the rabid Democratic lackeys over at American Bridge) thought that he had done his part for Democratic candidate Michelle Nunn by peddling out a fake story that Republican candidate David Perdue had signed a woman’s torso. Presumably the intent here was to go into yet another iteration of the Democrats’ ‘War on Women’ nonsense-meme.  Unfortunately for Michelle Nunn and the aforementioned lackeys, it blew up in their faces:

David Perdue, the Republican running for Georgia’s open Senate seat, was signing an insulin pump — not a young woman’s stomach — in a video released Friday.

In the video, taped by a Democratic opposition group and obtained by Buzzfeed, Perdue is seen leaning down to sign something on a young woman’s abdomen at a campaign rally before someone blocks the camera’s view.

“No pictures on this,” Perdue is heard saying.

Continue reading American Bridge’s (read: Michelle Nunn’s) incompetent attempt to smear David Perdue.

Here’s *my* comment, @American_Bridge: HAHAHA PWN3D, LUZER.

See, this is why you need to be careful about what you link to on Twitter.


The story started out as “David Perdue signs woman’s torso!” …and ended up as “Perdue signs woman’s insulin pump to raise awareness for juvenile diabetes.” This is from Brad Woodhouse’s shop, by the way… and it was stuff like this from Brad Woodhouse’s old shop (the DNC) that made 2010 such a joy. Well, for us at least.

Moe Lane

PS: Buzzfeed, Buzzfeed, Buzzfeed: when will your site learn to double-check everything Brad Woodhouse sends you? Rookie mistake, folks.

OK, let us address Vincent Sheheen calling Nikki Haley a ‘wh*re.’

See, this is why we can’t have nice things. Background: Vincent Sheheen, the slowly-drowning Democratic nominee for South Carolina governor, had this to say yesterday about Governor Nikki Haley.

Continue reading OK, let us address Vincent Sheheen calling Nikki Haley a ‘wh*re.’

Wait, is Tom Wolf (D CAND, Pennsylvania-GOV) in trouble?

This is a little surprising:

It looks as though “I Won’t Say If I Voted For President Obama-itis” has spread from Democratic senate candidates to those in the gubernatorial ranks.

Pennsylvania Dem gubernatorial candidate Tom Wolf refused to answer if he voted for President Obama when confronted by a tracker Thursday afternoon, according to a video released on the Tom Corbett For Governor YouTube page, Wolf’s GOP opponent.

Honestly, it’s a little surprising.

Moe Lane

PS: Tom Corbett for Governor.

Sean Haugh: the pro-pot, antiwar candidate for North Carolina Senate.

I understand why Reason is a little upset, here:

…but, hey, it’s the two-party system, folks. Besides, let’s face it: it is a little weird that a Libertarian candidate hates the idea of libertarian-friendly people spending money in elections. Sounds like Sean Haugh is probably a Libertarian only because the Democrats already had a candidate.

But he is the pro-pot, antiwar candidate.