Three days to go until the elections. The die is cast. So CALM DOWN.

Put another way: “Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your safety belts and put your tray tables back up into the full, upright position. We are beginning our final approach: our estimated touch-down time will be 72 hours.”

Seriously, folks: this is the home stretch for the elections.  The polls are highly unlikely to be anything except chaotic noise at this point; the fundamentals of the various races have been locked in*; and it’s going to take the equivalent of getting caught with a dead girl/boy** at this point to REALLY move the needle for any one candidate.  None of this means that you should just look at the RCP averages at this moment in time and say That’s Tuesday’s total***; just that there’s a limit to what people can do, and we’re reaching it. Continue reading Three days to go until the elections. The die is cast. So CALM DOWN.

How the not-actually-mighty have fallen.

Well now.

I’m guessing that the consensus is ‘no:’

“[Wendy Davis] does well on TV. That’s a pretty well-tried path for people like her,” said Matt Bennett, former aide to President Bill Clinton and Al Gore and co-founder of the moderate Democratic group Third Way. “That is a path she might be happier on anyway. She of all people knows how tough it is to win in Texas.”

“She’s still a star in Democratic politics,” he added. “It doesn’t matter what Texas thinks of her.”

…By the way: that language above is how to poison the future political career of a problematic candidate on your own side.  It’s remarkably elegant, in its way. Not a single open insult in the excerpt; and yet you know that Bennett is providing Davis with the Kiss of Death.

Ach, well.

‘America’s Biggest Hypocrite.’ (Spoiler warning: Tom Steyer)

So, this ad is a thing of beauty.

So much so, that the liberal group that unwittingly caused it to come into being had to retroactively change the rules to keep it from winning said group’s phony ‘get money out of politics’ contest.  You would like to think that doing that would have shamed the progressives involved, but it’s unlikely that it did.  What it did do, however, was professionally embarrass some folks among their peers; and that’s nothing to sneeze at, honestly.

Via Instapundit.




Being drawn by Guilded Age alumnus Ericka Henderson.  I gotta admit, I kind of want a Squirrel Girl movie.  By that I mean that I want one, but I didn’t want to push it previously.  I mean, she’s a fun comic character and everything, but is Marvel really going to be able to make money off of that?



I guess that it all depends on how GOOD Marvel thinks that it is, then.  Maybe they can’t make a successful Squirrel Girl movie.  Maybe it’s more of a Shelbyville DC idea…

Tweet of the Day, Note Which Sentence is Grammatically Correct edition.

They clearly really wanted the second sentence to be understood.

Note that, like Boing Boing, I am assuming the ‘and;’ going whoring is a established* world-wide practice for hotel guests. But I can see why a hotel might object to someone combining that with heavy drug use.  Too much potential for… mess.

Moe Lane

*Not ‘accepted:’ the ethics of prostitution are very complicated, particularly in areas with bad human rights records (i.e., about half the planet).  And I understand that the issue is currently being fought out with knives in various NGOs and activist groups.