Three things to take away from this Atlantic article on Islamic State.

In order:

  • Islamic State (IS) is, literally, an apocalyptic death cult. Which is to say, they believe that they are all going to die in a violent fashion that will lead to the end of the world; that the various atrocities that they commit in the process are all pleasing to the entity that they worship; and that there is no point to reason with IS on this, because they’re right and will gleefully die for their beliefs.  Your basic High Fantasy Evil-With-A-Capital-E Cult, in other words.
  • You probably didn’t need this Atlantic article to tell you this, although it’s nice to have the background material on the aforementioned death cult.  It’s a very detailed article, by the way. Well worth your time.
  • Under no circumstances should anybody who can write “I even enjoyed their company” after meeting one or more of IS’s High Priests should be allowed anywhere near a position of authority or responsibility or influence when it comes to American foreign policy. I understand and appreciate that author Graeme Wood went on to write “…and that frightened me as much as anything else,” but unfortunately better safe than sorry when it comes to possible ethical infections.

Continue reading Three things to take away from this Atlantic article on Islamic State.

Book of the Week: Starship Troopers.

Speaking of Bob Heinlein: Starship Troopers is, of course, one of the best damn science fiction novels ever written.  It’s been almost comically misunderstood, of course: in fact, you can detect how dubious somebody in the speculative fiction field actually is, just by seeing just how badly he or she misses the point of Starship Troopers. There’s a certain type of mind that simply cannot accept the plain text of the book…

But I digress.  So let us bid adieu to The Curse of Chalion. And hope for another sequel to that one.

Made a half-decent BBQ sauce for the first time today.

Very basic stuff: cup of apple cider vinegar, half-cup of ketchup, Worcestershire sauce, brown sugar, salt, butter, smoked paprika, and some chili powder. Simmered it in a saucepan for a couple of hours and poured it over the slow-cooked chicken. Worked out pretty good; I am starting to delude myself that I maybe know how to cook things.

Yes, you may take this as an invitation to start a BBQ War in comments. But, to quote Bob Heinlein: if any ears are ripped off you will be required to give them back at the end of the fight.

Death Cult outbreak in Libya: 21 Coptic Christians ritually sacrificed by IS.

Details here, and may Christ welcome and comfort those martyrs. You already know my opinion of their murderers. And my opinion of a foreign policy that seems indifferent to the rapid spread across the Middle East of what is, in point of fact, a literal death cult. One that practices human sacrifice on a regular basis.

Continue reading Death Cult outbreak in Libya: 21 Coptic Christians ritually sacrificed by IS.

‘Geez. White People’ watch: two progressive dudebros get arrested for defacing Denver police memorial.

Geez. White people.

Denver police identified the two men who were arrested Saturday after defacing a memorial for fallen officers during a protest march.

Matthew Goldberg, 23, and Robert Guerrero[*], 25, were charged with “investigation of criminal mischief-vandalism” in the incident, which took place at police headquarters, 1331 Cherokee Street.

Continue reading ‘Geez. White People’ watch: two progressive dudebros get arrested for defacing Denver police memorial.

More Obamacare victims noticing that they’re gonna be on the hook to the IRS.

Bad news for Obamacare advocates:

Between 4.5 million and 7.5 million taxpayers received subsidies for insurance premiums when they signed up for coverage on Obamacare exchanges, federal officials said. These folks had to forecast their 2014 income when they applied. Those who underestimated their earnings either will receive smaller tax refunds or will owe the IRS money.

Some enrollees, however, had a change in circumstances — such as a raise, new job, marriage or baby — during the year that could affect their subsidy level. Obamacare enrollees were supposed to contact their exchange so it could revise their premium. Some people, however, did not know they had to notify the exchange or simply didn’t bother.

Continue reading More Obamacare victims noticing that they’re gonna be on the hook to the IRS.

When and if Californians flee Dust Bowl 2.0, please note this…

REMEMBER WHY YOU LEFT. Because if you don’t, you will probably be pointedly reminded by the native inhabitants of your new states*.  And if you have the supreme idiocy to still own a Green Party membership card… SHRED** IT BEFORE YOU LEAVE CALIFORNIA.  Better safe than sorry, boychik.

Moe Lane Continue reading When and if Californians flee Dust Bowl 2.0, please note this…

Foreign policy is going to be a BIG deal in 2016. Get used to it.

The acceleration of radical Islamist attacks in Europe – I don’t think that the jihadists are afraid of us anymore – is probably going to continue. I’m hoping like Hell we don’t have another terrorist attack on American soil, of course: and I think that our counter-terrorism apparatus is going to cocoon the White House when it comes to operational decisions, assuming that they haven’t done that already*. But even if we don’t have another Boston Marathon bombing it’s going to be thin going for any candidate who has had a hand in shaping American foreign policy between 2009 and today. Continue reading Foreign policy is going to be a BIG deal in 2016. Get used to it.