Jordan REALLY wanted IS to understand that women helped kill a lot of death cultists today.

Admittedly, I am basing that solely off of the video images, given that I don’t speak Arabic.  But when I watched this:

Continue reading Jordan REALLY wanted IS to understand that women helped kill a lot of death cultists today.

The @Oregonian wants John Kitzhaber to resign… now that he can be safely replaced with a Democrat.

And this is how corruption works on the Pacific Coast.

Continue reading The @Oregonian wants John Kitzhaber to resign… now that he can be safely replaced with a Democrat.

Does Hillary Clinton honestly and truly want to run for President?

Because stories like this suggest that maybe she doesn’t:

An internal debate among Hillary Clinton supporters about the timing of when she should launch her expected campaign for the presidency has erupted once again.

Several Democrats have told CNN that there is a desire on the part of Clinton and her innermost circle to go as late as possible. But the potential for a summer start to the official Clinton 2016 campaign, first reported this morning by Politico, is only one of the options on the table. The spring launch plan is still seen by most Clinton watchers as the most likely timing scenario. Under the spring scenario, Clinton could form an exploratory committee or other official vehicle, which has FEC-regulated restrictions for potential candidates, but would enable Clinton to publicly indicate her intentions and begin a new phase of the process without formally launching a full blown campaign until later in 2015.

Continue reading Does Hillary Clinton honestly and truly want to run for President?

Some necessary pushback on the reporting of Congress’s invite of Pope Francis I.

Quick background: Speaker of the House John Boehner invited Pope Francis I to be the first pope ever to speak to a joint session of Congress… what’s that? “Did he ask permission of the President?”  Umm… no. You see: Democratic agitprop to the contrary, Barack Obama is not actually a king.  In fact, at the moment Obama’s actually just a bit of a troll: and even if he wasn’t Speaker Boehner – and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell; don’t forget him – do not actually need permission to do things.  They’re the ones in charge of the legislative branch; Barack Obama runs the executive branch. There’s a well-defined limit to the things that one branch of the government can actually do to the other: we call this concept ‘separation of powers’ in this country, and it is my devout hope and fond dream that by mid-2016 that particular phrase will serve as a trigger warning to outraged progressives.

Anyway… oh, I’m sure ABC News means well, but it’s trying a little bit too hard, here: “As pope, Francis has taken positions on some issues that clash with the views of Republicans who now control the House and Senate.”  Immigration, blah blah blah, financial, yadda yadda, climate change, yeah whatever… but here’s the thing.  All of those positions? They’re derivatives of various principles and beliefs in Catholic theology.  You know what’s absolutely CENTRAL to Catholic theology? Continue reading Some necessary pushback on the reporting of Congress’s invite of Pope Francis I.

[Dagnabbit, had to spike this story.]

[It started requiring me to write more and more on a topic that I’d rather not write on, just in case I ever go back to looking for a job in that particular field. So, obviously, it wasn’t a post on politics and/or geekery.  Also, the more I looked at it the more I wondered why the Mob wasn’t involved.]

[Yes, this is all very mysterious.  I gotta give you people SOMETHING for clicking on the link, after all. Elephants stopping by the pool party* wouldn’t do it this time.]

[Moe Lane]

[*…Oh, all right.]

Quote of the Day, This @SeanTrende Post Is Not Actually Alarming edition.

It should be, but it’s not. Sean Trende:

In 2016, Democrats have as their likely nominee possibly the single strongest candidate for putting the old Democratic coalition back together again. I think with an adequately strong economy and a campaign founded in progressive centrism[*], Hillary Clinton could very well put together a broader coalition than Obama’s, and a victory that eclipses his. Whether her party allows her to run such a campaign is probably the most important question of 2015; this book[**] explains why.

…And the reason is simple: the Democratic party will not allow Hillary Clinton to run such a campaign. The party elite may love Bill Clinton as an administrator, but their base will not tolerate being told that they will have to revert back to 1993-style ideological levels (i.e., move sharply to the Right).  It’s going to be interesting to see how far they make it through the primary without anybody going furniture-chewing crazy.

Moe Lane

*Essentially, a kinder, gentler progressivism. Progressivism with a human face. Compassionate progressivism. …Have I given enough examples to give my largely Righty audience an idea why the Democratic base kind of hates that term?

**The Emerging Democratic Majority. I should note that Sean Trende has a much more favorable opinion than me on the use of this book.  That’s a problem, because Sean is smarter than I am on this topic.