Ed Schultz gets rhetorically gutted by Heritage knife-fighter Ryan Anderson.

Real – yes, actually metaphorical – blood on the floor on this one: watch the video if you haven’t already seen it twenty times. Seldom do we see a more graphic demonstration of the truism that the Left wants the Right to shut up, while the Right wants the Left to keep talking. I particularly enjoyed the way that Ryan Anderson kept grabbing Ed Schultz’s arguments out of the air, flipping them, and then idly throwing them right back into Schultz’s gut.  They teach that at Heritage, you know. Also, how to climb walls, disarm swordsmen with your bare hands, and get liberal locals to show up in force to support your conservative-themed rallies.


…and I’m having trouble with this connection, so let me just finish that here.

Coyote-Wolf Hybrids in DC’s Rock Creek Park.

I warned DC liberals; I absolutely warned them. Back in 2013, I asked them, “Simple question, DC folks: do you WANT wolves in Rock Creek Park? Right THERE?”  Well, guess what: what DC folks want is now irrelevant.  The wolves are in the process of arriving.  Whether DC likes it or not:

Just a few hundred years ago, coyotes stuck to the plains between the Rocky Mountains and the Mississippi River. As humans killed off wolves, coyotes took over their territory. The coyotes that pressed north into Canada came across the remnants of wolf populations and interbred, creating a hybrid creature that’s small enough to live undetected among humans, but large enough to feast on fawns (though perhaps not full-sized deer).

In other words, they are perfectly adapted to the I-95 corridor, [genetic researcher Javier] Monzon says.

“The more deer there are around, the more wolf-like the coywolves tend to be,” he says.

Which means, essentially, that the coywolf menace will merely become more and more… erm, wolfy. Soon there will be the ultimate wolf-like predator in Rock Creek Park! SUPER-WOLVES, with a coyote’s cunning!

Enjoy! Continue reading Coyote-Wolf Hybrids in DC’s Rock Creek Park.

Quote of the Day, Chuck Schumer’s Lack Of Vision Suits His Party, Actually edition.

Via Instapundit: we must know of different Chuck Schumers.

There’s a certain lovable quality to Schumer that is hard to avoid even when he is on the other end of the phone yelling at you and threatening never to speak to anyone who works for your newspaper ever again. He works hard and he relishes what he does and I think he is a genuinely patriotic American.

But that makes it all the more tragic that this politician—who Bloomberg is now likening to Lyndon Johnson, writing that he has “been the highest-profile political player for the last decade in the major media centers of New York and Washington”—stands for so little.

Still, it remains true that it’s danged hard to actually say what the Democratic party is for, these days. If the GOP disappeared tomorrow I’d half expect the Democratic party leadership to wander around in a daze until they died from starvation and forgetfulness. :shrug: The price you pay for never having any ideas of your own, I guess.

A… live-action Mulan movie?

…Well: “Another live-action take on a Walt Disney Pictures animated feature is on the way today as The Hollywood Reporter reveals that plans are underway for a new big screen take on Mulan!”

Well.  That should be… interesting to see.  I mean, it’d work pretty well, with the right actress.  Just… it’s a movie set in more or less ancient China, OK?  Cast it with people of Chinese ancestry.  Let’s not have another The Last Airbender situation, here.

A Public Service Announcement for public officials saying stupid things on Twitter.

  1. Don’t.
  2. If you do, don’t delete the Tweet once it blows up in your face.
  3. If you do, don’t then claim that you were hacked once your deletion of the Tweet that blew up in your face blows up in your face.
  4. If you do, don’t then delete the claim when it blows up in your face.
  5. …Look, just get off of Twitter, OK? Bad Idea. Bad idea.

Moe Lane

PS: I’m being merciful by not mentioning the person’s name, yes.  I have these urges towards kindness, from time to time. Or maybe I’m just finicky that way.

So *that’s* what happened at Fort Meade today, then.

‘What happened’ being ‘two guys dressed as women tried to crash the NSA gate with their stolen car and were then promptly shot.’  Not terrorism, by the way: just… surreal.  In fact, this would be possibly not devoid of humor, except that somebody died:

One man is dead and another severely injured after gunfire erupted today at one of the main gates of the National Security Agency located at Fort Meade, Maryland.


Sources say the two inside were men dressed as women. Preliminary information indicated the two men were partying at an area hotel with a third individual when they took that individual’s car without permission. However, it’s still unclear how or why they ended up at the NSA gate.

The owner of the SUV picked up two men dressed as women in Baltimore late Sunday, sources confirmed. The three allegedly drove to a hotel in Howard County, Maryland, where they partied, sources said. Early this morning, the man woke up alone and the two men he allegedly had picked up were gone and so was his vehicle, sources said. The man reported his vehicle stolen to Howard County Police before the incident at the NSA, sources said.

I don’t like to preach, but there seems to have been a cascade event of Poor Life Choices going on, there.

A *dirty* Democratic primary season may still happen!

Call me an optimist? Sure.  It’s a fair cop.  Still, here comes the war: “Minutes after [Martin] O’Malley’s appearance on “This Week,” former Michigan governor Jennifer Granholm, a top adviser to the Ready for Hillary PAC, said on the same program, “Martin O’Malley, he’s a very nice guy, and I was thinking he might make a nice member of a President Clinton administration, so he better watch it.””  Jennifer Granholm, for those of you who don’t remember, was the person that liberals used to get wistful about: she’s a naturalized citizen – and thus ineligible to become President.  Well, to be honest about it Granholm would have been ineligible to become President anyway, given that she drove the state of Michigan into the ground so hard that it left an impact crater; but that is perhaps incidental to my point.

Moving along: streiff over at RedState takes O’Malley seriously as both a challenger to Hillary, and as a candidate for President.  I share his opinion on the first, but not the second; the pathway for a Democratic victory in 2016 is through the difficult trick of simultaneously embracing Clintonism and rejecting Obamaism while at the same time being publicly seen to embrace Obamaism and reject Clintonism. It’s a devil of a problem, really. Democratic primary voters will be made up of bitter progressives who want to be told pretty lies about how they’re not the ones who are fringe, really, and African-American voters who want proper deference shown to Barack Obama.  That’s enough of a combined voting bloc to get the nomination.  Alas for the Democrats, swing voters have already had eight years of Barack Obama and progressives; and those voters are showing little sign of being interested in twelve. Continue reading A *dirty* Democratic primary season may still happen!