California is apparently normally just a semi-arid place.

It’s fascinating to see the duckspeaking on display here

The drought, now in its fourth year, is by many measures the worst since the state began keeping records of temperature and precipitation in the 1800s. And with a population now close to 39 million and a thirsty, $50 billion agricultural industry, California has been affected more by this drought than by any previous one.

But scientists say that in the more ancient past, California and the Southwest occasionally had even worse droughts — so-called megadroughts — that lasted decades.

Continue reading California is apparently normally just a semi-arid place.

Just like everybody else, let me show you the new Star Wars trailer.

I think… it may not be too bad.  I think that maybe… just maybe… they shot George Lucas with tranq rounds every time he looked like he was about to wander onto the set.  I think that it may not suck.

Please, God, don’t let it suck.

Moe Lane

PS: Pause it at :24.

Quote of the Day, ‘Monolith’ Actually Is The Best Word For Black Voting Patterns, Alas edition.

I dunno whether April Reign of Ebony is raising a warning flag here, or just spitting into the wind.

Some potential Black Democratic voters have indicated that, while they will support Hillary Clinton should she become the eventual nominee in 2016, it will not be with the same fervor as they did for President Obama, in part because of a sense of bad blood experienced during the 2008 campaign.  Indeed, many Blacks are saying that Hillary Clinton is not their first choice to receive the Democratic nomination in 2016 and that they will be anxiously waiting to see whom else enters the race.  These sentiments must not go unchecked by Hillary for America because Black voters, while not a monolith, are a large constituency that must be courted by Democrats to win the presidency. There is a sense of entitlement that Hillary Clinton has not earned within the Black community, allowing her supporters to mistakenly take Black votes for granted. Hillary Clinton will have to earn our support and our votes just as any other candidate does.

Continue reading Quote of the Day, ‘Monolith’ Actually Is The Best Word For Black Voting Patterns, Alas edition.

Hillary Clinton’s media strategy certainly has us talking about her…

…in case you haven’t noticed. I agree with Ed Morrissey that Hillary Clinton’s decision to have her campaign emulate a Los Angeles-class nuclear submarine is probably the smartest thing that she could do: I just don’t buy that she’s going to be able to hide from the country until the 2016 Democratic convention.  I do, however, look forward to seeing her try,

Clinton Foundation still planning to take money from foreign governments. No, really.

Is this a cry for help? “The board of the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation has decided to continue accepting donations from foreign governments, primarily from six countries, even though Hillary Clinton is running for president, a summary of the new policy to be released Thursday shows.” Do they not WANT Hillary Clinton to be elected President? – Because that foreign money isn’t worth the headache. Or possible eventual conspiracy and/or influence peddling charges.

Oh, what the heck. I’m not going to try to talk them out of this one. Thanks, guys! :sotto voce: Idiots.