South Carolina results.

Well, with 60% of the vote in it’s worse than I’d like, but much better than I feared: Donald Trump with around 33% of the vote, for our sins (although I’d love to know what the hell I did to deserve this guy*). Marco Rubio (who had a good night, compared to New Hampshire) and Ted Cruz (who maybe did not) are battling it out for second. Jeb Bush has bowed out**.  John Kasich and Ben Carson will not, and John Kasich and Ben Carson should not be on the next debate stage.

All in all, happy I am not.  But I was worried that tonight we’d see Trump at 40%, which would have meant that nothing was going to touch him and I’d be stuck with retiring from political blogging. Because I’m not going to vote for a damned 9/11 Troofer. And I won’t host a site that helps one, either…

But we’ve just started the season.

Moe Lane

Continue reading South Carolina results.

Polls close in an hour in South Carolina.

We should start seeing results coming in about a half hour, hour after that.   For the record, I think we’re going to see the top three candidates be within a few points of each other, with nobody above 30. But guessing the results ahead of time has been a nightmare for better pundits than me.

Anyway: should be interesting! Again, polls will close at 7 PM. Results will be here.

Moe Lane

Quick note on the DEMOCRATIC primary today in Nevada.

Hillary Clinton should win it. Period. That’s the bright line. It doesn’t really matter if Bernie Sanders gets close; he’d need to win outright for it to matter in the larger meta-narrative.

So if Bernie Sanders does win, it’s big news. If he doesn’t, it’s not.  Simple as that, really.