My Patreon short-short-short “Spiders. Why did it have to be spiders?”

For the record, I don’t know if daddy long-legs really are all that poisonous, or would be only all that poisonous if we somehow blew them up to the size of a Buick.  …No, wait, we’d have to redesign their respiratory system in the process, too.  Why are we doing this, again? – Anyway, it’s just a mildly silly little short-short-short story.

My Patreon can be found here.


My Redstate post on Sanders winning Democratic primaries.

Found here. Short version: …well, Bernie Sanders won all three last yesterday. It won’t matter in the slightest, because of the way that Hillary Clinton has locked down Democratic super-delegates, but he won ’em. I look forward to the day where I might possibly be able to enjoy that.

Surprising new California poll!

Naturally, the LA Times buried the lede: their title is “Donald Trump leads in California primary race but threatens a GOP fracture.” Which, of course, fits the LA Times‘ preferred narrative of the election cycle: Donald Trump is poised to take the GOP down with him into a fiery crash into a dumpster fire at the goat rodeo while the clown show watches. But if you take a look at the actual numbers? Well, among registered voters that poll has it Trump 37, Cruz 30, Kasich 12. Not actually in itself bad news for Ted Cruz, because he was polling at single digits in California up to this point, and he can make up the difference. But if you look at likely voters?  Then that poll gives you Trump 36, Cruz 35, Kasich 14. Continue reading Surprising new California poll!

Had to have ‘the talk’ with my eldest just now.

I wasn’t expecting this quite so soon, but he just up and asked out of the blue: “Dad, who would win a fight: Batman, or Superman?”  So of course I had to explain to him Batman, son.  Because you know that Batman always has a plan, so he’s already ready to fight Superman.  And Superman’s too good a person to have a plan to fight his friend Batman. …He seems to have gotten it, so: whew.  Bullet, as they say, dodged.

My PJ Lifestyle article on useless RPG characters.

Found here. Short version: note I said useless character, not useless player.  Sometimes a RPG player brings a character to a game that’s ill-suited for it and it’s not the player’s fault (it’s very well may be your fault for not communicating the scope of your campaign). I offer some thoughts on how to finesse that.