FINALLY: Ken Hite’s “The Cthulhu Wars” comes out tomorrow

Can’t make Ken Hite’s  The Cthulhu Wars: The United States’ Battles Against the Mythos Book of the Week, because I did so already back in January. Of 2015. Yes, I have been waiting for this book for something that feels like forever. And there was a point where I was hearing that it wasn’t getting published at all. But that was apparently bad information.  Good information is that it’s being released tomorrow, and Amazon is shipping it now so that I get it tomorrow. Because Amazon knows me too well.

…Some people think that Amazon does know us all too well, mind you. But what are you going to do? Free shipping with Prime, folks. Free shipping with Prime. Continue reading FINALLY: Ken Hite’s “The Cthulhu Wars” comes out tomorrow

Just finished Far Harbor for Fallout 4.

In typical Queen of the Girl Scouts fashion (that’s a really useful line that Bioware came up with, huh?) my character managed to avoid various penultimate bloodbaths on the aforementioned Harbor.  Except for the Super-Mutants, of course. And the deranged Trappers. And those stupid Fog whatever-they-were that look vaguely like Girl Genius’s Slaver Wasps.  All of those pretty much get killed on sight, if not nearly as quickly as I have grown accustomed to killing Bad Things in Fallout 4.

Also, I had to lie a lot.  And climb hills!  It was like Skyrim all over again, only with no ability to Shout people off of said hills. Maybe somebody will do a mod…

Moe Lane

PS: It’s a pretty solid DLC, but I could have stood to see more stuff about the Fog and whoever that Woman of the Fog was.

Netflix would like to let you now that BOOM, BABY, they got first crack at Disney and Marvel now.

Here we go:

From September onwards, Netflix will become the exclusive U.S. pay TV home of the latest films from Disney, Marvel, Lucasfilm and Pixar,” Ted Sarandos, Netflix’s head of content, wrote on their company blog.

…Dannnnnnng. I mean, you can get a bunch of the old stuff from most of those shops at any given time; but exclusive first-look?  That’s pretty neat-o, if you have Netflix. Which I do.

The ‘Red Markets’ Kickstarter, its obnoxious promo video to the contrary.

I’ll be honest: if it was just a matter of the aforementioned video, I’d have been tempted to give the computer monitor the finger and keep on moving. But I’ve had enough people whose opinion matters to me say that the Red Markets zombie apocalypse-meets-the-free-market RPG is worth a look anyway to make me… not so much forgive the game, as to not hold that video against it. Helps that the folks who wrote the actual game (Caleb Stokes and Ross Payton) have good, solid reps in the business, too. That helps. A lot.

I would possibly suggest that they do a new pitch video, though. I mean, the Kickstarter has already funded, so maybe they won’t care – but I don’t imagine that I’m the only person in the universe who got their back up at the way this game was presented.  It’s not like I can just fling cash around with nary a care any more.  These days, I need to call my shots when it comes to discretionary spending.