Aww, shucks. The kids start school again tomorrow.

Ten hours from now, and they’ll be back in school.  I don’t know what I’m going to do with myself, really.  …No, you don’t understand [twitching]: I don’t know what I’m going to do with myself. It’s freedom. Horrible, horrible freedom!

…Although.  Yeah.  I could go get chips.

Did HBO’s new Westworld rip off Fallout 4 imagery?

There’s a scene from the latest trailer that is remarkably evocative of how the Institute makes synths. Starts at 0:54; I dunno whether Westworld grabbed that from Fallout 4, or whether they both grabbed from a third source. Could be either, I guess.

But, seriously, here’s the clip from Fallout 4. It’s not identical, but it looks pretty dang similar.

So, KFC has put out a zombie-ATTRACTING sunscreen.

Well, they say that it’s just a sunscreen that makes you smell like fried chicken (I AM NOT MAKING THIS UP, by the way), but we know how it will all eventually go down, right?  Seriously, watch the video.  See that kid at about the thirty second mark?

Continue reading So, KFC has put out a zombie-ATTRACTING sunscreen.

My Patreon short-short-short ‘Unstoppable.’

‘Unstoppable’ can be found here – and, administrative note: I earlier had an objection to direct-linking PDFs , because they apparently auto-load on mobile devices – but I’m not happy about this particular workaround.  I want the Google hits to hit the actual PDFs and I don’t want to clutter up my Twitter account with PDF warnings. Thoughts?

As always, my Patreon is here.

Creature seed: Tillinghast’s Remora.

Blame this.

Tillinghast’s Remora

This delightful creature was first discovered in the 1920s by Dr. Tillinghast, a researcher of some notoriety who did not, alas, survive the moment of discovery. Ironically, this had nothing to do with the Remoras: in fact, a Tillinghast Remora might have been able to save the life of its erstwhile discoverer.  Certainly they’ve been a boon to metaphysical surveyors ever since. Continue reading Creature seed: Tillinghast’s Remora.

‘Life on the Infinite Farm.’ [DO NOT READ THIS IF YOU ARE QUEASY.]

Seriously, I don’t know if it’s the pictures or the Paint job, but ‘Life on the Infinite Farm‘ is just a little greasily disturbing.  It doesn’t go down the mental gullet quite right, and once it ends up in the stomach it doesn’t want to stay there properly.  I’m sincerely finding it just a bit alarming, in fact.



Quote of the Day, I Lean Towards “Loki Is A Spider” Myself edition.

I came across this passage while idly discussing Norse myth with my wife.

Loki’s origins and role in Norse mythology have been much debated by scholars. In 1835, Jacob Grimm was first to produce a major theory about Loki, in which he advanced the notion of Loki as a “god of fire”. In 1889, Sophus Bugge theorized Loki to be variant of Lucifer of Christianity, an element of Bugge’s larger effort to find a basis of Christianity in Norse mythology. After World War II, four scholarly theories dominated. The first of the four theories is that of Folke Ström, who in 1956 concluded that Loki is a hypostasis of the god Odin. In 1959, Jan de Vries theorized that Loki is a typical example of a trickster figure. In 1961, by way of excluding all non-Scandinavian mythological parallels in her analysis, Anna Birgitta Rooth concluded that Loki was originally a spider. Anne Holtsmark, writing in 1962, concluded that no conclusion could be made about Loki.[60]

…I personally feel that Anne Holtsmark was cheating a little, there.