Book of the Week: Three Parts Dead.

Three Parts Dead.  Max Gladstone.  …You don’t GET to write a book this good on the first goram try.  That he did is clearly evidence that the universe is an uncaring, unfeeling place with no respect for justice.  And now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to go dump my entire PayPal account into the house checking account so I can pay for all the books that Gladstone has written.  I might as well do it now and save myself some valuable time, hey?

…Seriously, they’re excellent urban fantasy/alternate history. Hard to describe, easy to read. I was up until 2 AM finishing the first one.

And so, adieu to Space Viking.

Tweet of the Day, Apparently Map-Haters Are A Thing edition.

I’ve never experienced this for myself, but the tone is so instantly believable that I cannot help but believe that there are people who do this in real life. Then again, I do a plurality of my creative work in alternate/secret history stuff, which does tend to cut down on the need for new physical maps.  So for all I know there are entire forums where people do this sort of thing for real.

Started off October with a true act of horror: auto loan paperwork. With kids.

Oh, and let’s not forget the bit where the battery for the electronics ran out of juice.  Oh, my, no, let’s not forget that.  Or the way that using the ‘handy’ credit card attachment to the vending machines took me more time and trouble than simply panhandling the three bucks and change would have. :twitch: :twitch:  But, hey, new car loan! …And new used car, but that feels almost incidental to the whole process at this point.