The Girl Genius Volume 16: The Incorruptible Library Kickstarter.

I typically pick up these graphic novels as soon as Studio Foglio Kickstarts them, and Girl Genius Volume 16 is no exception.  Girl Genius has been going on since… wow. I can’t remember when I wasn’t reading Girl Genius online. According to Wikipedia they started the comic in 2001 and put it online in 2005, which means that I’ve been reading it religiously for sixteen years.  ‘Course, I’ve been reading Phil Foglio himself for almost thirty.

Because I’m OLD. Or at least getting there. Anyway, good series, check it out.

The first four minutes of Spider-Man Homecoming.

It’s cool: they put it up on Playstation Network and I’m pretty sure that the folks at Sony really want to make sure that everybody understands that Spider-Man Homecoming is coming out on Friday and it’s so absolutely part of the MCU and not like the way Deadpool kind of hinted that it was, either.  If you were on the fence on this movie – I wasn’t – this footage might help convince you to go see it.  Tom Holland simply is Peter Parker. I can’t wait for Friday.

Happy Fourth of July!

We’re back, everything’s cool, regular posting resumes tomorrow.  We managed to make it back just before the driving rainstorm, too: it was a nice weekend, actually.  Not even too hot, which is always a worry with July.  Hope everybody’s having a Glorious Fourth.

Some good, if sad, news about the Prince Valiant RPG Kickstarter.

You may have heard of the sudden and recent passing of RPG great Stewart Wieck.  At the time of his death, Stewart was working on several projects, including fulfilling a Kickstarter for the Prince Valiant storytelling RPG.  The folks at Nocturnal Media just announced that they will, of course, take over finishing up that Kickstarter.  Obviously, it’s still sad news, but at least the game will still be coming out.