#rsrh Ah, yes, the Great Pot Debate…


I understand what Jimmy is arguing here about how we can make something illegal, yet not enforce it without actually breaking the social compact (his example is speeding, which everybody who owns a car does).  I just don’t agree with it when it comes to pot.  There’s money in pot; if you have some, you can usually sell it.  Which is my clumsy way of noting that there’s an economic factor when it comes to the War On Some Drugs; and when money comes into something, well, that complicates matters.

Personally, if it was up to me I’d make pot legal for over-21s and not-quite-literally crucify anybody caught selling or giving it to a kid, or using it while operating heavy machinery (explicitly including cars and military equipment).  That’s more or less what we do with booze, and the Republic seems to have survived thus far under that particular regulatory regime.  Of course, it’s not up to me: it’s up to Barack Obama and Joe ‘BFD’ Biden, so I guess that the potheads are more or less stuck for right now.

Hey, don’t blame me.  I voted for THAT WOMAN, remember?

Moe Lane

#rsrh Gallup does not bring the DOOM.

DOOM implies a lack of giggling.

An average of 59% of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents have said they are more enthusiastic than usual about voting this year compared with past elections, the highest average Gallup has found in a midterm election year for either party since the question was first asked in 1994.

Via Jim Geraghty.  Just try not to giggle at that article.


Moe Lane Continue reading #rsrh Gallup does not bring the DOOM.

Sen. John Thune (R) to pitch in across country.

I’m sure that the Democrats are kicking themselves right now:

The South Dakota Republican — who also leads the Senate GOP Policy Committee and is widely viewed as a 2012 presidential contender —is up for re-election this year. But no Democrat or Independent filed to run against him, leaving him with plenty of time and money to help Republicans win seats this November as the party seeks to regain a true sense of relevancy on Capitol Hill.

National Republican Senatorial Committee Chairman John Cornyn (Texas) said Thursday he planned to meet with Thune soon to explore ways the up-and-coming first-term Senator could help the NRSC and GOP candidates from now until Election Day. Minority Whip Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.) added that he fully expects Thune to be a strong political asset over the next 135 days.

Senator Thune is, after all, possessed of a dangerous combination: he’s able, popular, and not particularly busy this electoral cycle.  Two out of three would be a net gain for the GOP’s 2010 electoral campaigns; three out of three is very welcome news.  And since the DSCC’s recruiting program so spectacularly fell down on the job here*, you can even say that this bit of good fortune is ultimately due to the Democrats…

Moe Lane Continue reading Sen. John Thune (R) to pitch in across country.

WH nervously denies Rahmbo cut-and-run.

[UPDATE]: Welcome, Hot Air readers. And Jules Crittenden readers.

Given that the Telegraph report came out yesterday afternoon, it’s amazing that they’ve gone to the trouble of denying it before the start of business hours today. And to Fox, no less.

The White House Monday dismissed reports that Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel plans to leave his post after becoming frustrated with the Obama administration as “ludicrous.”


In response to the report, a senior White House official told Fox News the “ludicrous” story was “not worth looking into.”

Continue reading WH nervously denies Rahmbo cut-and-run.

Book of the Week: Out of the Dark.

Out of the Dark won’t be out for a couple of months, but it looks promising: alien invasion meets… well, it’s the Balkans and the word ‘predators’ is used, so we can just assume vampires/werewolves. Yeah, yeah, I’m a sucker for that sort of thing – but it’s David Weber, so there.

And we say Dasvidania to Android Karenina.