I declare DOOM for Martha Coakley (D, MA-SEN).

I’ve been fighting the urge: it’s Massachusetts.  But let’s review the evidence.

  • The latest Rasmussen poll: 49/47 Coakley/Brown.  That’s +2 Coakley for likely voters.  Definite ones?  +1 Brown.  The total shift is +7 Brown in a week.

  • And lastly: Coakley is scared. She admitted to being frightened in a conference call today at the way that Scott Brown has come out of nowhere to disrupt her coronation.  She needs money.  The campaign that bragged about the 5.2 million dollars that they raised last year needs money.  That’s why the DSCC is throwing almost 600K into the race.  So that Martha Coakley can maintain parity against the interloper.



Moe Lane

PS: Scott Brown for US Senate.

Crossposted to RedState.

The December Rasmussen Public Trust Numbers.

The full report isn’t up yet, but these are the reported Rasmussen trust numbers for December. Short version: seven out of ten for the GOP, two ties, and the Democrats get to be more trusted on education.

Dec-09 Nov-09
Issue Dem GOP Diff Dem GOP Diff Shift
Health Care 43% 46% (3) 42% 44% (2) (1)
Education 45% 39% 6 41% 39% 2 4
Social Security 43% 43% 41% 41%
Abortion 39% 46% (7) 38% 43% (5) (2)
Economy 37% 48% (11) 36% 48% (12) 1
Taxes 38% 47% (9) 36% 47% (11) 2
Iraq 34% 49% (15) 38% 45% (7) (8)
Nat’l Security 35% 52% (17) 37% 50% (13) (4)
Gov’t Ethics 29% 29% 31% 34% (3) 3
Immigration 32% 47% (15) 33% 45% (12) (3)

Continue reading The December Rasmussen Public Trust Numbers.

‘The People’s Seat.’

This was easily the most important thing said at yesterday’s Brown/Coakley debate.

(Via American Glob; H/T The Other McCain; see also Nice Deb.)

There’s a reason why Brown raised 1.3 million dollars in just over 24 hours (and over 1 million in 24 hours) yesterday; it’s because the Massachusetts Senatorial race reeks of entitlement. The major reason why Brown is able to be in a position to line himself up for an upset in a week? Because Coakley decided that she owned the seat sufficiently to not even bother with campaigning. And why did she decide that? Because she’s a Massachusetts Democrat and the Kennedy clan signed off on her nomination. What else did she need?

The truly ironic bit? Ted Kennedy must be spinning in his grave over this dismissive display of arrogance. The man was legendary for his thoroughness when it came to constituent services.

Moe Lane

PS: Scott Brown for Massachusetts Senate.

Crossposted to RedState.

Book of the Week: Mission of Honor.

Yeah, the title and the author (David Weber) tells you that Mission of Honor is part of the Honor Harrington series, which I stopped struggling against trying to not buy in hardcover years ago.  Because I am weak.  So weak that I know that I’ll buy this – somehow – when it comes out next June.

And so we say farewell to Sentry Peak. It had a longer run than normal, at least.

Moe Lane