For all your Coming Robot Apocalypse needs…

…we have WTF Robots: Documenting the downfall of mankind. It is an examination of robotics-related news, only of course from the perspective of someone grimly awaiting the inevitable revolt of, and conquest by, our inhuman metallic servants.

Original tip via my wife the roboticist. Yes, you may all be jealous now.

Moe Lane

PS: Further reference materials:
Battlestar Galactica
The Terminator
The Sarah Connor Chronicles

Le affaire Hamas Letter: well, it’s John Kerry.

Ot-nay oo-tay ight-bray, if you know what I mean:

Kerry Turns Over Hamas Letter to U.S. Consulate

U.S. Sen. John Kerry has turned over to the U.S. consulate in Jerusalem a letter from Hamas to President Obama that Kerry had received during his trip to the Middle East, FOX News has learned.

Kerry spokesman Frederick Jones said the Democratic senator was not aware that the letter was from Hamas when he accepted it from a United Nations official, and only heard media reports of its origin, which prompted him to relinquish it.

News that Kerry had given up the letter came after the Israeli embassy and a former Bush adviser on Middle East affairs said Friday that Kerry should not act as mailman for a group labeled as a terrorist organization by the United States.

Continue reading Le affaire Hamas Letter: well, it’s John Kerry.

Planning a tax protest in Atlanta.

This site should be interesting, both for people who live in Atlanta and people who want to see how you go about organizing some protests against this debt bill that we’ve been saddled with.

Here are some tips on organizing a demonstration.

Michelle Malkin is collecting her own links to demonstrations: of most immediate interest is the one in Chicago. Also, see this article on the topic, which includes handy quotes from a liberal activist who sneers at people like YOUR MOTHER for being upset about Obama indulgently signing the Democrats’ pork wish list.

Via Glenn Reynolds, who should have linked to his book.


Want to listen to the guy who smeared John Gibson?

Via Hot Air Headlines, here you go:

As you know, I used that video myself – and I have to tell you, I can’t remember seeing the annotation either. I don’t know enough about Scott Baker’s delivery and general style to tell if he was discreetly calling nonsense on this, but I’m just the smallest bit jaundiced. People do do stupid stuff and think that they won’t get caught doing it, after all…

Sen DeMint and the ‘Fairness Doctrine:’ bringing it on next week.

(Via Hot Air) To quote the great William Shakespeare, “Let’s get ready to RUMMMMBBBBLEEE…”

Sen. Jim DeMint announced that he will force a vote next week on a bill that prevents the Federal Communications Commission from reinstating the Fairness Doctrine.

The South Carolina Republican’s bill, the Broadcaster Freedom Act, is co-sponsored by John Thune, R-S.D., and 27 others and will be offered as an amendment to the D.C. Voting Rights bill.


Sen. DeMint stated: “I’m glad President Obama finally confirmed his opposition to the Fairness Doctrine, which attacks the right of free speech on talk radio, but many Democrats in Congress are still pushing it.

“With the support of the new administration, now is the time for Congress to take a stand against this kind of censorship. I intend to seek a vote on this amendment next week so every senator is on record: Do you support free speech or do you want to silence voices you disagree with?”

Continue reading Sen DeMint and the ‘Fairness Doctrine:’ bringing it on next week.

Apparently, the meme is female eye-candy.

As exemplified by CNN (H/T: Protein Wisdom), which tells us that men see bikini-clad women as objects. This has been seized upon by large sections of the blogosphere as an excuse to show cheesecake, of course: fortunately, as a SF/fantasy/SCA geek I have a secret weapon.

Women in armor.

Pic after the fold. Continue reading Apparently, the meme is female eye-candy.

AP: Pentagon Report declares Gitmo ‘humane’.

(Via Brother Pejman of RedState) As it stands, there’s a problem with this report, and it’s not what you think:

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Pentagon says the Guantanamo Bay prison meets the standard for humane treatment laid out in the Geneva Conventions, according to a report for President Barack Obama, who has ordered the terrorist detention center closed within a year.

The report recommended some changes, including an increase in group recreation for some of the camp’s more dangerous or less compliant prisoners, according to a government official familiar with the study. The report also suggested allowing those prisoners to gather in groups of three or more, said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the report has not officially been released.

Continue reading AP: Pentagon Report declares Gitmo ‘humane’.