Global Warming and White House Pizza Parties.

To quote Glenn Reynolds, “I’ll believe that it’s a problem when the people telling me that it’s a problem start acting like it’s a problem.

Moe Lane

PS: Unlike AoSHQ, I don’t care that a guy was flown in to make the White House some pizzas. Perk of the job. But like AoSHQ, I’d appreciate it if the White House shut up about corporate heads and their jets for a while. Until this story fades, at least. I think that’s reasonable.

Crossposted to RedState.

EFF is *very alarmed* that Obama is… Obama, really.

When I read articles online, I sometimes play a game called How soon will it take me to say something aloud to the monitor? (yes, I have dumb names for some of the things that I do): doing it can give me an idea of how goofy the article is. In this one (“In Warrantless Wiretapping Case, Obama DOJ’s New Arguments Are Worse Than Bush’s“, via Instapundit), I didn’t make it past the first sentence:

We had hoped this would go differently.

Umm, why? Continue reading EFF is *very alarmed* that Obama is… Obama, really.

PETA own-goals the administration. Over a PUPPY.

(H/T: Brother Warner of RedState) Yes, ‘own-goals.’ If there was any possible way to pin this group on the Right it’d have been done years ago, and this story:

Breeder regrets dog sale to Biden

EAST COVENTRY — It was a proud moment for Linda Brown when then-Vice President-elect Joe Biden selected her kennel to purchase his new German shepherd puppy.


For Brown, that proud moment was short-lived.

After the story about the puppy sale ran in the newspapers and on TV newscasts, three dog wardens from the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture showed up on Brown’s doorstep for a kennel inspection.


She said she has also received death threats from animal activists against her and Biden, which were reported to the Secret Service and the FBI.

…would have made the national news. Continue reading PETA own-goals the administration. Over a PUPPY.

Netroot Advertising and the sense of entitlement.

Both Eugene Volokh of the Volokh Conspiracy and James Rummel of Chicago Boyz (via Instapundit) have weighed in on the Great Lefty Netroot Querulously Outstretched Hands Scandal – yes, the name needs work – and I thought that I’d just combine my commentary on both.  First, Eugene was right to note that there’s something a little odd about demanding advertising from an organization just because you’re using them as a resource… oh, did I just type that out?

Silly me; that’s the dirty little secret that the Lefty blogs don’t really want to talk about (although Rummel will, and does).  What the Online Left sells to its readership is relevance: at least, at the top levels – which is really the level that matters on that side.  When you read them, you’re reading a site that’s connected.  You have access… or, at least, you’re reading someone who has access; and that person swears and makes rude statements, so you know that you’re not reading just some pundit.  No, you’re reading someone who is a gateway between you, and the people who matter.
Continue reading Netroot Advertising and the sense of entitlement.

I was actually looking for the *slow* version.

What the hell is going on here?

Yes, yes, I know: it is a heavy metal cover of the Space Cruiser Yamato theme song, by the novelty Japanese pop band Animetal.  I have seen SCY, both in its original form and as the hacked-up American version known as Star Blazers.  I have gotten drunk at college and chanted “USE THE WAVE MOTION GUN!” at the television screen along with my friends… and sometimes while even watching the show.  I have watched the movie that later got revised into the second season, while my then-girlfriend read a translation from a printed out script.  I am no otaku, but I am at least operating from a position with some basic knowledge.

All that being said: what the hell is going on, here?  What kind of lunatic lets anybody handle a katana blade with ungloved hands?

:holding up hand: A moment, if you would.

Those of you who do not game, please wait.

Those of you who do: do you remember your first real RPG character? The first one that you spent any amount of time fleshing out, in your mind?

You do?

Then remember also Dave Arneson, for he was the man that made that possible for us, and he has passed on to his reward. No cheesy joke about rolling well on the appropriate tables, although he probably wouldn’t have minded.

Fallujah Marine cleared.

(Sorry about the technical difficulties.)
(Also, read the whole article.)

As Jammie Wearing Fool notes, don’t expect Murtha to say a damned word about this.

Marine acquitted of murder in Iraq slaying

CAMP PENDLETON, Calif. — A military jury on Thursday acquitted a Marine sergeant on charges of murdering an unarmed detainee during battle in Fallujah, Iraq.

The jury also acquitted Sgt. Ryan Weemer of dereliction of duty in the November 2004 death.

Weemer hugged and thanked his attorney after the verdict, and his wife, sister and high school English teacher wept from front-row seats.

The panel of eight Marines who served in Iraq or Afghanistan got the case Wednesday and deliberated more than four hours.

Weemer, of Hindsboro, Ill., could have faced a maximum sentence of life in prison and dishonorable discharge if convicted of murder. The maximum sentence for dereliction is six months in prison and a bad conduct discharge.

OK, I paraphrased – but JWF would agree, I think.

The Comfort Guides.

zombie-1Via Nodwick, I get the impression that these items derived from that little throwaway bit in Fight Club. Actually, that’s not an impression: that’s a guess.

Anyway, the conceit of the Comfort Guides are fairly obvious: they’re little emergency fold-out visual aides for tricky situations. Note that the image is from the zombie one, which is apparently has been done in the context of helping the zombies: clearly, the authors have recognized the unique educational problems faced by the Undead.  The parts of the brains that handle the written word must be the tastiest, or something.

This is going to be an open thread on RS…

…but it’s going up here, too:

Mostly because of the refrain, which resonates, honestly. I hear it all the time, at least.

Via BlackFive.

Moe Lane

PS: Personally, I don’t have much of an opinion on net neutrality; it seems one of those discussions that everybody involved is very solemn about and, frankly, drones on about interminably. Which is my subtle hint that I really don’t care either way.