THE BLACK STONE is one of Robert Howard‘s best stories, so I’m happy about that. I’m also happy that the other Howard’s apparently now on the menu, because PIGEONS IN HELL would be perfect for a HPLHS Dark Aventure Radio Theater production. But mostly I’m happy for another DART. I love these. I also have them all, except for MASKS OF NYARLATHOTEP, because I can’t afford it.

You can preorder THE BLACK STONE here.


I must now do the socially awkward thing where I remind people to buy my books!

It does feel socially awkward. But! Buying my books makes me money. I use the money to pay for publishing more books. That gives people more of my books to read. It then follows that people who like my books should tell other people to buy my books, so that they can feed their own my-books habit. Helping out with that is clearly more important than my own personal feelings.

So, yeah. Buy my books! Or tell somebody else to buy my books! That works, too.