These are the ones that will be signed! I did order a few extra, so I’m keeping the store open, just in case. But when I run out of extras I am closing the preorder store! THERE’S NO TIME! Take your chance here, and now!

…Or pick TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION up on Amazon, to be sure.

Continue reading The TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION books are ordered!

So. Advertising.

Got some good advice along these lines from my webdude Neil about how I should be looking for places like mine to do my advertising…

…and going from there. I also saw some good advice about how I should be asking my readers and whatnot: where do you go, when it’s not here? So, I’m asking: got any suggestions of streamers or creators who might be interested in doing advertising for my stuff? I budget for complimentary review copies, at the very least.

Spent the evening doing spreadsheets…

…and assessing the publishing schedule in light of it. I just don’t know how I can avoid doing TINSEL RAIN without a Kickstarter, dagnabbit. MORGAN BAROD is achievable on its own, but then the kitty’s empty and it’ll take time to refill. And if I want another chapbook done this year, that’s gonna cost some cash, too.

All in all, I imagine that this is a lot easier to do when all you need to do is sell manuscripts to publishers. Not a complaint, or at least not trying to be a complaint. I’m lucky, compared to most people trying to self-publish. …And ain’t that a cheery thought.

Continue reading Spent the evening doing spreadsheets…

The January Patreon posts are up!

This was a somewhat… stress-filled month for me. I’m not sure why: possibly it’s just because I am reaching the point where I may have been cooped up for too long. I think I can say that I had a mildly productive pandemic, but I’m ready for it to be done now.


  • Chapter 1, OLD MAN TYLER’S WAR. This started out as a Western, and is now the beginning of a Western alternate history Civil War novel and I must be out of my God-damned mind.
  • THE ELMERITE ORDER, PART 5: THE DEAD SCHOOLS. The trick with this is trying to come up with magical schools that were neither completely useless, or watered-down versions of Mage: the Awakening. Hopefully I succeeded.

Pre-orders for TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION close Friday! Book’s in print!

I went through last night and stomped typos left and right, took a deep breath, and pulled the trigger. I’ve looked at TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION easily for long enough that the words are just random jumbles of letters on the page who’s gonna buy this, man, but every author does that with every book they write. The important thing is, now you can BUY it.

Also: the pre-order store’s closing Friday. Now is the time to get those signed copies.