The August Patreon stuff is up!

This month, it’s:

  • OMBUDSMAN (The Fermi Resolution): a two-fisted tale of corporate responsibility and defenestrations! Complete with Scenes of Heroic Endeavor, for the Edification and Entertainment of the Managers and Workers of the Hershey Consortium.
  • As the Golden Emperor Lies Dying, Chapter 6: The Future: Not that anything involving the King in Yellow has an actual future. But if you’re playing a cosmic terror game, well, that’s baked in the cake, hey?

Gonna do different stuff in both categories next month, I think. Because I’m kind of slagged, right now.

ANAGNORISIS goes live tomorrow!

You can still pre-order ANAGNORISIS today, though. Thus making sure that… the sale gets locked in, I suppose. It feels important, though. Maybe it’s a morale thing? Yeah, that makes sense. I just had the most frustrating afternoon, trying to get short story title headings working in Scrivener/Open Office. Curse you, .docx! We hates you! We hates you forever!

Continue reading ANAGNORISIS goes live tomorrow!

08/30/2020 Snippet, TIPPED ON A STIFF (in the can!)

Huzzah! 14,300 goram words later, it’s finally done. Oh, well, it’ll make a good selling point for the anthology.

We stood not on the order of our coming but left at once. As we ran I saw my shoes and belt, and grabbed them in some haste (my pants were fine, but I don’t walk Cin City in my socks and neither should you). We got out in good enough time before the entire damn warehouse caught on fire.

As the four of us looked at the destruction, I started to swear. Sofie looked up from her quick disassembly of whatever it was that Posh Fred thought would keep Irene under control. “What’s the matter, Tom?” I pointed to the flames in sadness and horror. My only solace was, there was something about this in the Lore (there always is).

“My hat was in that place,” I more or less quoted.

Weird night tonight.

I was having trouble trying to wrestle this Tom Vargas story back into mystery mode, until I had a talk with my wife over it. In the process I came to the realization: it’s not a damned mystery. The next novel will be a mystery. This is a two-fisted pulp detective story, so I should stop trying to force it to be something else.

I might actually get the damned thing finished tomorrow, now. Huzzah! …At any rate, that was what the last four hours were about.

Praise Jesus: the Morgan Barod revision is in the can.

80,012 words as of today. I don’t need MORGAN BAROD to stay above 80K, strictly speaking. I just needed it to get above it once and have everything done so that I can send it to Alpha and later Beta readers next month.

If you’re interested in that, by the way, feel free to let me know in comments.