05/03/2020 Book Report, FROZEN DREAMS.

Kept having my files crash when it came to the RPG, so not as much work there as I liked. But revised another chapter back from the editor, and it was useful stuff. We’re definitely getting to Zero Hour there. I need to check with my cousin over whether she wants the chapters in chunks or not.

Lot of stuff waiting on Kickstarter coughing up the funds, though.

05/01/2020 Book Report, FROZEN DREAMS.

What did I do today, anyway? Not much, I think:

  • Watched the Kickstarter end (5.2K, which is flat-out AMAZING).
  • Got Backerkit set up and ready for the end of the two week pause they suggested I take before I send out surveys.
  • Got another chapter back from the editor, which I will have to add to the pile of get-it-done-tonight.
  • Collated and rough-drafted about half of the GUMSHOE character creation rules that I’m going to need for the supplement.

…OK, I guess I did some stuff. But mostly I kind of crashed. That was a long month, folks. Fun, but long.

The monthly April Patreon items are up.

A little bit of schedule-squeezing to make deadline, but that’s OK. It’s good practice for me. As for the entries:

Likely the last blurb for the FROZEN DREAMS Kickstarter.

Short version: the Kickstarter’s going great, and I have an artist for the roleplaying game campaign supplement! Ben Fleuter: he writes and draws Sword Interval, and he’s really good (he also has a Patreon). Thanks to my awesome readers, I can afford really good.

I also have a couple of chapters of edits to go through, so that’s going well. At this rate… things are moving all, really. I gotta lot of work to do still, but they’re moving along. Thanks, folks.

04/29/2020 Book Report, FROZEN DREAMS Kickstarter.

I have very generous readers who I frankly do not particularly deserve. I do not know why it is difficult for me to accept that, but it is. Perhaps I am afraid that it will make me arrogant. I am prone to arrogance. This is a known thing.

But, again: I have very generous readers. Thank you all for sticking around, both here and on Patreon. And, obviously, on the Kickstarter, which – as you may have guessed – is doing quite spectacularly well.

Moe Lane

PS: Posting’s going to be a little weird until Friday. Shocking, huh?

04/28/2020 Book Report, FROZEN DREAMS Kickstarter.

Bit of a busy day in real life (kid’s birthday), but it looks like we’re going to maybe really get that audiobook stretch goal. Tomorrow is the 48 hour mark, and there’s traditionally a boost then. How much of a boost? Danged if I know.

Also started talking to somebody about art for the RPG supplement. I haven’t locked that down yet, so I won’t say more. Let’s just say you probably won’t be surprised at who I’m trying to get for the RPG.
