NaNoWriMo, Day 5: 1722/8678.


Another day where I could use about half of the existing story, but I can already see the motivations and the plot complications altering the original.  This is good, though.  Stuff that works in a short story doesn’t always work in a novel.  Besides, this is how you learn.

Also, this is where Frozen Dreams gets a little more complicated for me.  I need to start adding secondary characters, a subplot or two, and a good deal more action.  Why, there’s only been one fight scene so far!  And in a pulp detective story, too. Tsk, tsk…

NaNoWrimo, Day 4: 1885/6956.

What with revisions, by the way, this is only a close approximation.  I do go back and add a word here, change a phrase there.  But it doesn’t affect much.

Today: almost 1,900 words, and almost 7,000 total.  I’ve gotten to the end of Chapter 2.  And these were all original bits, too!  Got a complication and a minor character introduced, which is nice.

In the (E-)Mail: House of Assassins eARC.

Yup, Larry Correia’s second book  (House of Assassins) in the Saga of the Forgotten Warrior seriesis finally out as an electronic Advance Reader Copy.  I understand that many of you don’t do the eARC thing.  That’s cool.  I don’t really ‘get’ it, but it’s cool.  But if you find that you can’t quite wait for it to come out officially, well, the link above will take you to the book on the Baen website.

NaNoWriMo, Day 2: 1639/3316.

I think that we hit a good point for the end of the first chapter, too: our hero has gone to the crime seen and just met the chief suspect.  It seems a natural stopping point.  1,639 words today, for a total of 3,316, and the recycling of previous bits from “Frozen Out In Cin City” will have to cease for a few days.  I have to add some more characters, flesh out the ones introduced so far, and all that other fun stuff.  I really should have done this as a novel from the start, but at least I know how the blessed thing ends, and how the hero got there.

Short-short: ‘Halloween Tradition.’

This one isn’t going on Patreon.  It’s just for you folks.  I didn’t know what to write tonight, and then I did.  Enjoy!

Halloween Tradition – Google Docs

Halloween Tradition

It started by accident, the first Halloween. I let a couple of pieces of candy fall out of the bowl and into a cup on the porch.  The next day, they were gone. No wrappers, no leftovers; just, you know, gone. I figured somebody came by and got them, right? Continue reading Short-short: ‘Halloween Tradition.’

In the Mail: The Labyrinth Index.

The Labyrinth Index is the latest in Charles Stross’s spy-Lovecraftian Laundry Files series, and I’m looking forward to perusing it. There’s just something relaxing in reading a well-written horror novel by an excellent author who is profoundly terrified of things that merely, at worst, make me roll my eyes a bit.  No, really: you still get the frisson, but not the actual horror itself.  Which is good, because God knows there’s enough real things in the world to be scared about…