Avengers: Infinity War projected for 200+ Million opening.

Disney’s low-balling their own number, of course — they’re saying it’ll ‘only’ be $175 million or more — but the rest of the people in the industry are saying that Avengers: Infinity War will hit over 200 million in its opening weekend.  Will it?  I’m of several minds on this one. Continue reading Avengers: Infinity War projected for 200+ Million opening.

Adaptation of Stephen King’s ‘The Tommyknockers’ planned.

Well. The bad news is, The Tommyknockers isn’t actually a very good book. I read it, and in retrospect it was fairly lurid in places, clearly written when Stephen King was in a personally dark place, and reveals the first signs of an inherent contempt for the pulp literature tradition (in this case, classic pulp science fiction) that Stephen King first sprang from, spent years being defecated on by the literary critics accordingly, and has since spent more years trying to successfully escape. His privilege, of course, and since Stephen King still gets readily published I’m sure that he doesn’t care about my opinion anyway.  Assuming he would end up even ever reading it*. Continue reading Adaptation of Stephen King’s ‘The Tommyknockers’ planned.

Hey. So maybe The Death of Stalin doesn’t suck.

A 95%/81% score on Rotten Tomatoes isn’t half bad; and of the negative reviews for The Death of Stalin, easily the most incoherently vitriolic is by the woman who put all her Commie affiliations in her Rotten Tomatoes bio.  I was wondering why the site was even bothering to include people of that ilk, but upon reflection it’s obvious. It’s fun to watch them impotently fume.

Anyway, I may end up seeing this in theaters after all. If I can find one in my area that’s showing it. It’s not exactly blockbuster material.

I have seen the Daphne and Velma trailer.

But I will not show it to you.  Thankfully this abomination before the Lord will not appear in theaters; it’s going straight to digital/DVD.  Oh, Daphne & Velma doesn’t look entirely wretched, once you realize that it’s aimed at a particular demographic of teen girls, by people who have taken a black-box approach to how Disney does it*.  But somebody forgot to tell the production crew that Velma’s supposed to be better looking than that. Continue reading I have seen the Daphne and Velma trailer.

Would this be worth letting Thanos win?

Well, obviously not.

But the basic point is correct: Marvel has an obvious way to rejuvenate the MCU, doesn’t it?

Moe Lane

PS: There is a rumor of a possibility of a hint that Silver Surfer might have a walk-on role of some kind in Infinity War.  Not to get your hopes up, or anything.  And if that sounds like something would have leaked, well: you’d say the same of Spider-Man showing up in Civil War.

Quote of the Day, I Find This Reassuring About Pacific Rim: Uprising edition.

Because that’s what I want, too.

Briefly sketched characters and a minimalist plot can be a sign of a film’s low ambitions, but in this case, it’s more a mark of very specific ambitions: the filmmakers want to see giant robots fighting, and don’t want to spend too much time on boring human talky-talky that might get in the way.

Yes. Thank you. Giant robots. Punching giant monsters. In the face.  That’s what I want out of Pacific Rim: Uprising. I can get movies that require me to think any time I want.  I don’t want that from this movie.