Thor Ragnarok script? :giggle: :snort: :guffaw:

I, like GeekTyrant, am not entirely certain that I believe this story:

According to [Director Taika Waititi], 80 percent of Thor: Ragnarok was improvised, or ad-libbed.

“My style of working is I’ll often be behind the camera, or right next to the camera yelling words at people, like, ‘Say this, say this! Say it this way!'” he said. “I’ll straight-up give Anthony Hopkins a line reading. I don’t care.”

Continue reading Thor Ragnarok script? :giggle: :snort: :guffaw:

The Latest Thor: Ragnarok trailer.

I’m not gonna lie.  This trailer brings me back to my teenage years, when I was listening to Led Zeppelin more or less constantly.  This is not a bad thing for Thor: Ragnarok, particularly since it wants to tap into that “Wouldn’t it be cool if they could make movies that really looked like the comic books?”  Well, guess what, my droogies: it turns out that they can, and it is.

Continue reading The Latest Thor: Ragnarok trailer.

Keywords: Darkwing Duck, DuckTales, Disney XD

Some of you might find this of interest: “Darkwing Duck, the mysterious mallard superhero who headlined his own 1991 animated series as part of the beloved Disney Afternoon lineup, will swing his way into Duckburg on Disney XD’s upcoming revival of DuckTales.” Certainly my wife will: Darkwing Duck is part of her growing-up cartoon lineup, the way that Star Blazers, Transformers, and GI Joe was part of mine. Heck, she might even be willing to consider cable, now.

…Well, no. But it’ll at least tempt her.

Via Facebook.

OK, your character is cool. But is your character JUAN PUJOL GARCIA cool?

As near as I can tell, every word of this story about Juan Pujol Garcia is true.  At least, MI5 is corroborating it. This guy messed up the Nazi response to D-Day in ways that is almost inconceivable to modern science, and he made it look easy.

Continue reading OK, your character is cool. But is your character JUAN PUJOL GARCIA cool?

The Shape of Water trailer.

I dunno if Guillermo del Toro’s The Shape of Water is going to be a Deep Ones movie or a Abe Sapiens prequel in-all-but-name movie.  Will watch it, either way.  I kind of would groove to it being a “Deep Ones, but they aren’t all that bad” movie.  But then, I’m weird.

Moe Lane

PS: In case you’re wondering: supposedly, the reason why del Toro didn’t end up doing At The Mountains of Madness is because the idiot told the studios that it would end up rated R. And I don’t mean ‘idiot’ meanly: he’d agree with me. In fact, I read an interview the other day where del Toro was ruefully cursing himself for not lying about the intended rating until it was too late for the studio to do anything about it. Being ethical bites sometimes, huh?