Quote of the Day, You Can Maybe Relax About Spider-Man: Homecoming edition.

Currently at 92% on Rotten Tomatoes (read here for Wired’s declaration of kanly against Rotten Tomatoes, largely for its ability to generate phrases like that).  Anyway, the reviews are starting to come in, and this line is particularly good:

Marvel movies succeed because they’re not just superhero movies. Captain America: The Winter Soldier was a ’70s conspiracy thriller; Guardians of the Galaxy a space opera. Enter Spider-Man: Homecoming, a frothy and witty John Hughes high school comedy that just happens to feature a superhero or two.

Continue reading Quote of the Day, You Can Maybe Relax About Spider-Man: Homecoming edition.

Huh. Wesley Snipes is still making movies.

Wesley Snipes is also looking remarkably… unchanged… since 1998.

The movie is Armed Response, and it’s apparently a movie with crazy murderous AI and Anne Heche in it, so there may be hope for an amazing train wreck here.  Or, sure, an actually not-bad thriller.  Odds on it being the latter? Especially since it’s going to on-demand as well as movies on August 4th.  Look, I’m just the guy telling you the odds.

So they’re talking about remaking Blade.

…OK, let’s maybe do something else, here.  I have a strange proposal, here: why don’t they just re-release Blade in theaters?  Clean it up, digitize it, do whatever it is that the computer wizards do. Then brazenly announce that the old sequels never happened and then do entirely new sequels that start up the story where the first Blade left off.

Because let’s be honest: there’s no point in redoing Blade.  You’re not going to get a better movie than the original.  But you can get a better movie than the original sequels, so let’s go with that.

Moe Lane

PS: No, Wesley Snipes would not be playing Blade in the sequels.  Embrace that. Lampshade it.  So what? Give Wesley points in the re-release of the first one, and he’ll probably be just fine with that.

The… surprisingly complicated “My Little Pony: The Movie” trailer.

I mean. It’s got airships in it. And pirates. And… Pokemon? I’m not really sure, there.  But there are definitely oddities in this one. My kids aren’t addicted to My Little Pony; but if you have children who are then you might as well take a good, long look at this trailer, because you’re going to see this movie over and over and over and over again.


Some helpful suggestions for DC, given the Wonder Woman thing.

The ‘thing’ being that the Wonder Woman movie is almost certainly going to be their best-grossing DCEU movie by the end of Fourth of July weekend.  In light of that, I feel that DC should review their character conceptions. Potentially drastically.  Here are some suggestions. Continue reading Some helpful suggestions for DC, given the Wonder Woman thing.

Funny clip from the Adams miniseries, for esoteric values of ‘funny.’

There is some good physical acting in this, despite the fact that they’re not moving around much. Dude playing Jefferson in particular has got the “I wrote a thing” half-eager, half-dreading slouch down cold.  Also: these guys?  These guys are total nerds.  Which is, of course, a compliment.

Wait, Cowboy Bebop is being remade, only live-action?

Was this known to everybody else? ““Cowboy Bebop,” a critically and commercially successful 1998 Japanese anime series, is set to be adapted into a live action television series by Tomorrow Studios, a partnership between ITV Studios and Marty Adelstein.” It’s entirely possible that I missed the memo — I get most of my anime info from my gaming group, and we’ve had scheduling issues this month — but I think that I’d have heard something about this before now. Particularly because of the term ‘live action.’ People might have, ah, opinions on that sort of thing.

I know, I know. Opinions on anime?  Strong ones? Perish the thought.

Tweet of the Day, CAN Television Adapt Isaac Asimov’s Foundation Series? edition.

Not whether they will try: there’s every indication that they’re at least thinking about bring Foundation to TV.  Whether it’s possible. Which is to say, whether you can create a Foundation on the small screen that matches the one in the books.

Continue reading Tweet of the Day, CAN Television Adapt Isaac Asimov’s Foundation Series? edition.