Help a guy out?

[UPDATE] Now unstickied.  Thanks to everybody who contributed.

[UPDATE] Caleb’s also put up a post here about what he hopes to do in the next stage of all of this.  Check it out.

(This post will be up on top for a while.)

This isn’t for me: this is for one of my colleagues over at RedState. He’s Caleb Howe/ “absentee,” and he’s the guy who caught Don Fowler laughing at Hurricane Gustav’s impact on New OrleansContinue reading Help a guy out?

But where did he get the poodle?

I don’t know if robbery is really a realistic charge, here (H/T: Drudge):

A 14-year-old Saginaw boy has been charged with strong-arm robbery and assault in juvenile court after he pushed a woman and broke her cell phone while taking a walk naked with a large white poodle in Hart Township Monday, police say.

Lt. Craig Mast of the Oceana County Sheriff’s Office said a 14-year-old youth walked away from a youth behavioral treatment facility Monday morning, stripped down, and was with a “giant” white poodle when he approached a woman working in her yard just after 11:30 a.m. Monday in the area of Oceana Drive and Lake Road.

“The young naked man approached her with this poodle, and she immediately realized something peculiar,” Mast said.

You don’t say.

Moe Lane

PS: I guess that he technically stole the dog.

Hope Springs Eternal Watch: Serenity edition

Why the time is right for a Serenity sequel.” (Via Fark)

I think that I’m going to be seeing articles like this come out at regular, clockwork-like intervals for the rest of my life.  Look, I own Firefly.  I went to go see Serenity as soon as it came out, and had many an adventure along the way.  The statement “I aim to misbehave” has passed my lips many a time, particularly since the night of November 4, 2008.  So I want a goram sequel to happen, OK?

It ain’t gonna happen.

Yet another Star Trek TV show?

“All parties, by the way, absolutely detest answering questions on this subject, knowing any response they give will spawn headlines and inevitably get them yelled at by somebody”

The above is from this article speculating – speculating! – that the upcoming release of the new Star Trek movie could result in a reboot of the franchise for television. I don’t know what I’m grimacing more at, though: the thought of what the author called “Gossip Girl in Space”(both I and Allahpundit winced at the trailer, which makes this allegation altogether too horrifyingly believable); or the first line of the article, which claims that faster-than-light travel is theoretically possible [UPDATE: unless it doesn’t; see comments below].  I am given to understand that this is wrong in a fashion that makes physicists gibber; I look forward to testing that in the near future*.

Canceled Enterprise or no, there’s money in Star Trek.  It’ll be back.  Whether it’ll be back in the highly bizarre – if not really implausible – fashion suggested above is another story.

Moe Lane

*Yes, I know about tachyons.  That’s why the physicist is gibbering.