Patreon Microfiction: Questin’ in Beverly Hills.

“Questin’ in Beverly Hills” is set in the same universe as The Book (yeah, yeah, I gotta set up more alpha readers for that). it is, I feel, somewhat self-explanatory. Gonna be honest, though: I may not revisit their questing. They’re pretty standard adventurers, really.

TL:DR on Patreon changes: the smart move is to subscribe to my Patreon.

I’m grandfathered in to the changes to Patreon (higher ‘cut’ to Patreon in exchange for better support for new accounts), and I am NOT humble; I’m an early adopter, and plan to take full advantage of that. Besides: Facebook, YouTube, and Twitch all take a hideous cut (30% to 50%) for their planned or existing services. Even the 12% (9% to me) that Patreon offers as its proposed highest tier is far superior, and at that level creators get Patreon to ship their merchandise*. And, of course, for me nothing changes.

Continue reading TL:DR on Patreon changes: the smart move is to subscribe to my Patreon.

Facebook still down? Check out my Patreon!

Sign up today, and for the low, low cost of $1 you too can get weekly and monthly installments of fiction, microfiction, short stories and gaming material! Best of all, my Patreon is not looking at your life like it was some sort of panopticon (IT’S A REAL WORD, CHROME). I’m sure that you’re all fascinating people, but I have a blink reflex.