Because we’ve had a couple of people try already: real emails only, please. And by “please” I mean “or I’ll just mark your comment as spam and go on with my life, singing tra-la-la.”
Yes, English can be a very compact language.
Because we’ve had a couple of people try already: real emails only, please. And by “please” I mean “or I’ll just mark your comment as spam and go on with my life, singing tra-la-la.”
Yes, English can be a very compact language.
…we actually had a spare.
We just assumed that you weren’t up for Jeb having his turn. But apparently this was a bad assumption on our part (original alert via MsUnderestimated):
Our bad, I guess.
Moe Lane
PS: How are your new unicorns settling in?
Remember this event, the next time a Democrat holds out his hand to you.
[Update: Video added, and the Hill’s Blog Briefing Room is back up, so I’m cutting back the article.]
…and, given the general meltdown of the Internet, it’s currently down. Via comments here:
January 20, 2009
Bush Mocked As He Arrives on Inauguration Dais
@ 11:52 am by Hill Staff
Kicking a man once he’s safely out of power and can’t kick back doesn’t diminish him; it merely diminishes you. But, hey: message received, Mr. President.
Message received.
Moe Lane
Eh. Just words, apparently.
I won’t spoil it by excerpting.
Heh. I don’t need to bother with politics for a while today, in fact.
It’s a literary reference, you semi-literate barking moonbats.
Hi. I’m going to spoil your appreciation of the day now.
Oh, not all of you. The people who are ordinary, decent Democrats – or just happy that we’re going to finally have as President somebody who isn’t an old white guy – go ahead and have a good time at the Inauguration. I plan to eat wings and watch it on TV, myself, but that’s because I live in the DC area, which means that I know what the traffic is going to be like. Heck, I wouldn’t be there for McCain’s, if he had won. Anyway, you folks don’t bother finishing this little essay: I don’t want to spoil your day. Hope it’s a good one for you.
But as for the rest of you. The Maoists. The Stalinists. The Klansmen. The anti-Semites. The blackshirt anarchists. The unwashed antiglobos. The summer patriot celebrities. The 9/11 Troofers. The Che-worshippers. The neo-Nazis. The deep ecologists. The PETA freakazoids. The World Can’t Wait losers. The Code Pink soldier-haters. The International ANSWER seditionists. The ACORN election-fraud enthusiasts. Every single one of you who screamed and ranted and threw garbage cans and put on bandannas and plotted attacks (incompetently) and waved around giant paper-mache heads… yeah. You people.
You missed.
Continue reading “…but George Bush of Crawford Ranch rides *home* from the Crusade.”
You just have to go out there and tell them about it (H/T: Instapundit):
I’m not saying that Randy Milholland is precisely normal – he’d probably be offended if I suggested that – but he may not be completely incorrect, here.
Something Positive needs some better sharing options, though. Just saying. The way that Achewood and xkcd set things up is pretty good.
I’m thinking that they may need to get the camera out for this one.
Obama Reaches Out for McCain’s Counsel
WASHINGTON — Not long after Senator John McCain returned last month from an official trip to Iraq and Pakistan, he received a phone call from President-elect Barack Obama.
As contenders for the presidency, the two had hammered each other for much of 2008 over their conflicting approaches to foreign policy, especially in Iraq. (He’d lose a war! He’d stay a hundred years!) Now, however, Mr. Obama said he wanted Mr. McCain’s advice, people in each camp briefed on the conversation said. What did he see on the trip? What did he learn?
Over the last three months, Mr. Obama has quietly consulted Mr. McCain about many of the new administration’s potential nominees to top national security jobs and about other issues — in one case relaying back a contender’s answers to questions Mr. McCain had suggested.
Mr. McCain, meanwhile, has told colleagues “that many of these appointments he would have made himself,” said Senator Lindsey Graham, a South Carolina Republican and a close McCain friend.
I cannot believe that the Democrats would elect a House Speaker that doesn’t know this in her bones.
Which is why I’m nonplussed on why Nancy Pelosi’s playing with fire, here. Via Ace of Spades HQ:
Pelosi Open to Prosecution of Bush Administration Officials
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is receptive to the idea of prosecuting some Bush administration officials, while letting others who are accused of misdeeds leave office without prosecution, she told Chris Wallace in an interview on “FOX News Sunday.”
“I think you look at each item and see what is a violation of the law and do we even have a right to ignore it,” the California Democrat said. “And other things that are maybe time that is spent better looking to the future rather than to the past.”
Continue reading What republics *really* can’t survive happening: proscription lists.