Tweet of the Day, This Is What The Harriet Tubman Twenty SHOULD Look Like edition.

Unfortunately, nobody at the Treasury Department is cool enough to approve this.

Seriously, that’s America in a nutshell. With one hand I offer Freedom; with the other hand, I fight for it. Opinions on the Tubman $20 thing in general, I don’t get the people who just don’t like that aesthetic

Of *course* there would be a freaking blacklist of Trump general election political staffers.

Note the precise language, though. If Donald Trump gets the nomination, he would then proceed to lose the general election – and the people who run stuff for the rest of the Republican party would never, ever forget that. And since they’d themselves be on the hook for the loss*, well, best to have a sacrificial victim at hand, yes? And look: there are a bunch, right there.

Seriously, and contra Politico: it doesn’t matter if Donald Trump has a long memory of slights or not. He’s old, and won’t be the next President. But the people who work for him had best understand that their best hope is that Trump doesn’t get the nomination. Because they’re the ones who will be blamed for the loss. But people can be forgiven for youthful indiscretions…

Moe Lane

*Not by me, because if Donald Trump got the nomination I’d be out of this business anyway, out of sheer revulsion for the prospect. Retribution would thus be somebody else’s problem, because it certainly wouldn’t be mine.

The utter frustration of tonight… they pick NOW to drop the Delta Green Agent’s Handbook PDF?

I’ve been staring at it for the last hour, only I couldn’t touch it because CNN WOULDN’T CALL THE RACE FOR HILLARY AND I SAID THAT I WOULD COVER THAT RACE FOR REDSTATE. Arrgh! But, thankfully, I can go read the PDF now.

Moe Lane

PS: Dumb me for getting the name wrong.

My endorsement of Dr. Hunter Baker for TN-08.

I normally don’t endorse in primaries, but when it comes to the TN-08 race I will happily make an exception for Dr. Hunter Baker. Hunter is an old friend and RedState colleague; I can attest to his character, industry, and good humor. If I lived in his district, I would assuredly vote for him. If you do, I recommend that you do.

Hunter’s Congressional site is here.

Moe Lane

PS: I almost put this on RedState right after Leon Wolf’s own endorsement, but did not because it would have been an in-joke that maybe twenty, thirty people on the planet would get.

Tweet of the Day, The Federalist Will Now School You On How To Do A Credible Cake Hoax edition.

God knows the Federalist – and the Right in general – has seen enough of this bullsh*t over the years.

Seriously. This fell apart the second the moment you realized that this dude was accusing an Austin, Texas Whole Foods Market of writing a pejorative word for ‘gay’ on his cake.  …Did the dude not read that aloud? He totally would have caught his mistake if he had read the whole thing aloud.

Gov. Susana Martinez (R, NM) is not impressed with Donald Trump.

Yeah, I think that New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez has no intention of letting Trump inject a brain slug into her cerebral cortex:

New Mexico’s Susana Martinez, chairwoman of the Republican Governors Association, did not mince words: She told the crowd of about 60 wealthy GOP backers that, as a Latina, she was offended by Trump’s language about immigrants. Noting her years working as a prosecutor on the Mexico border and now as a border-state governor, Martinez said Trump’s plan to build a wall and force Mexico to pay for it was unrealistic and irresponsible, according to multiple people in attendance.

Not that I really expected her to, because I have a basic respect for Susana Martinez, and I’ve generally found that Trump’s support among politicians typically draws heavily from the ones that I don’t have a basic respect for. It’s downright uncanny. Almost frightening: I mean, if I was the sort to be paranoid I’d be maybe thinking that it was being done deliberately. Which, obviously, it’s not.

Via @PhilipRucker.

Maine GOP perhaps naively thinks that things should be quiet this weekend.

I mean, they’re only having a state convention that will finalize their delegate selection.  No biggie. What could possibly complicate matters?

The Maine GOP is going to have some star power at its state convention this weekend. Conservative radio talk show host Howie Carr will be broadcasting live, and Ben Carson will deliver the keynote address.

But organizers hope the excitement ends there; they’re not looking for controversy.

I mean, I could be wrong. But delegate selection is pretty sexy right now. As is getting the people who like you firmly in control of the rules committees…