I ask Settlers of Catan / Skyrim players: would you buy this?

Because it looks like something that people who play both Settlers of Catan and Skyrim would buy. And I figure that there’s got to be some overlap, there. Via Constant Reader JAB in comments:

Bad News / Good News on the online playtesting thing.

The bad news is I’m not doing it this weekend for the Unspeakable Oath thing.  Not enough time, and while I have some decent ideas for what to do I think that they need to be more intensively tested before I submit them. I’m competing with serious people, here, so I gotta be just as serious about it.

But that leads to the good news!  I think that the basic idea of having a monthly online playtest/gaming session would actually be fun! Also, obviously, useful.  So I’m going to try to figure out the best day to have one, and then have whoever show up run through stuff that I’ve written.  Or maybe I’ll pick a best day from whoever’s interested that month, and use that instead.  Still thinking about that part. But, definitely, I need folks who might be interested in horror or mystery-themed games.

GURPS Infinite Worlds: Titanic-1.




On this world, the Titanic did not hit an iceberg and sink in the Atlantic, although possibly some of its owners might wish that it had. But that’s a backdrop to the real situation, which is this: there’s a lot of research to be done on Titanic-1 into the nature of timelines and divergence points, but unfortunately there are two broadly incompatible lines of research to be done.  And each line of research has its own bureaucratic partisans. …Really, it’s almost enough to make one wish for Centrum to show up. At least they can be more directly thwarted.

Continue reading GURPS Infinite Worlds: Titanic-1.

In Nomine Revisited: Superior Relics (Justice and Mercy).

This one actually is still on the Internet, at an old site of mine – but when I looked at it I realized that the layout needed fixing. Put the stats for the item next to the description, not at the end where people have to flip through the entire thing to look them up.  Sheesh, younger-me.  Sheesh.

Anyway, since it needed editing anyway


Superior Relics: Justice & Mercy

Justice & Mercy

Superior Relics: Judgment

These two relics are considered by many to be symbolic of the larger struggle within Judgment; whether this is actually True, or just propaganda, is up to the individual campaign. Both relics are exceptionally old; they, in fact, date back to the First Rebellion. They are also both exclusively associated with Dominic’s female persona Dominique. Justice and Mercy are otherwise very different. Continue reading In Nomine Revisited: Superior Relics (Justice and Mercy).

Item Seed: Haw River Vampires.

Blame this.


Haw River Vampires

Haw River, for those wondering, is located in North Carolina, and is one of the tributaries that feed into the Cape Fear River; it is also the site of the one of the most vicious and relentless clandestine cryptozoological eradication campaigns in American history.  To give you an idea of how long the fight’s taken place… it started under the aegis of the Confederate Secret Service, got transferred to the Pinkertons when that group quietly brought in the remnants of the CSS in 1871, and was only taken over by the FBI in 1938.  The Feds officially closed the books on the fight in 1970, but the entire operation is still deeply classified and the documentation for it has been thoroughly and deliberately lost in the archives. Preferably until everybody involved is safely dead of old age.

Continue reading Item Seed: Haw River Vampires.

Item Seed: The Book of Incipient Words.


The Book of Incipient Words


This artifact superficially manifests as a standard child’s black-and-white composition book.  It appears to be about twenty years old, bound with aged rubber bands, and about to fall apart — but it never quite does.  In fact, the Book is functionally invulnerable. To give one example: it  has stopped a fifty caliber machine gun round on at least one occasion (the force of the bullet still killed the person trying to use it as a shield, though).  Needless to say, The Book of Incipient Words will register as magical in standard identification spells.  With that particular tint of esoteric color that denotes “Here Be Dragons.”

Continue reading Item Seed: The Book of Incipient Words.

OK, formal call, then: Call of Cthulhu scenario playtesters wanted (via Google Hangout).

I dunno the date yet, because I don’t know what the deadlines are: but if you’re interested in getting in on a quick playtest of a Call of Cthulhu scenario then let me know. I already have two folks interested, so there are at least two slots left – and probably a few more.  The game session will be rules-light, because I’m mostly going to be checking for awesome.  You’ll get character sheets and some kind of quick rules; there’s at least one one-shoot Cthulhu horror ruleset out there.

Tweet of the Day, I May Need To Run Another Google Hangout RPG Session edition.

Because the Unspeakable Oath is taking submissions, that’s why.


They want two things out of said submissions: originality, and playtesting.  My regular game doesn’t really ‘do’ horror, but I suspect that I can get a couple of people together for some rules-light playtesting.  Let me know in comments if you’re interested.