QotD, Wretched Hive of Scum and Villainy edition.

CQ, on Eagles and Phillies fans being tied for being the worst sports fans in America:

The truth is this: All told, Philadelphia stadiums house the most monstrous collection of humanity outside of the federal penal system. “Some of these people would boo the crack in the Liberty Bell,” baseball legend Pete Rose once said. More likely, these savages would have thrown the battery that cracked it.

As one of my colleagues said, “The Flyers fans got off easy.” Indeed.



Moe Lane

Amazon ended affiliate program in Illinois.

Right on schedule.

It got overshadowed by recent events both foreign and domestic, but last week Governor Pat Quinn (D, IL) signed legislation declaring that in-state affiliates for online sellers count as ‘a physical presence’ in Illinois, thus theoretically allowing the state to require those online sellers to collect sales tax information.  This is usually called the ‘Amazon tax*,’ as it is largely aimed at Amazon.com**. This is a long-standing dispute (H/T: Instapundit), and usually ends with the companies in question ending their affiliate programs: Illinois businesses and individuals were however assured (by groups like the Illinois Retail Merchants Association) that there was no chance that Amazon.com would dare end its affiliate program for Illinois***.

Turns out that this was incorrect: as usual in these cases, Amazon.com (and Overstock.com) immediately closed down its affiliate program for Illinois (beginning April 15), thus making the issue moot.  This means that no Illinois resident or company will receive a commission for sales – which means lost revenue, which means less taxable revenue for the state of Illinois (Amazon.com requires its affiliates to fill out 1099 forms, and the money that affiliates generate is subject to income tax).  It does not mean that Amazon.com itself is forbidden to Illinois: Illinois residents may continue to purchase products from the company – and given its current market share, the lack of affiliate linkage will probably not have any effect on the company’s sales at all.  In other words, the state of Illinois has just reduced its annual tax revenue and absolved Amazon.com of the necessity of paying out 4% to 15% commissions on any product indirectly sold on its behalf by a citizen of Illinois.

Brilliant move there, Governor Quinn.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

Continue reading Amazon ended affiliate program in Illinois.

On a cheerful note…

…and I just deleted a very, very, very angry post that I belatedly realized was much more about my reflexive parental burning rage towards anybody who hurts kids than it was the ostensible target of said post, so I could use some cheerful right now: they’re keeping Pepsi Throwback and Mountain Dew Throwback, the taste of both of which I prefer to the fructose corn syrup versions.  Pejman’s (H/T, btw) right, though: we need Coke with real sugar, too.

Yes, yes, I should track down some Mexican Coke.  Although I hear that’s made with brown sugar, though.

Al Gore is writing another book.

So sayeth Jimmie Bise of the Sundries Shack.  It’s going to be a prediction of the next decade.  Indirectly, Jimmie references Andrew Malcolm, which leads me to a puzzler: is this comment of Andrew’s funnier?

The publisher describes the upcoming tell-all tome as “an X-rated look at the seamier side of American public life where empty-headed liberal celebrities with hypocritcally huge carbon-footprints and this year’s spouse receive immense sums of money simply for showing up at glitzy ceremonies to exchange meaningless awards.”

The working title is: “A Convenient Truth.”

No, not really.

Or this?

The book was acquired by a new Random House editor, noted talk-show guest Jon Meacham, who recently led the Newsweek print edition into oblivion.

I’m sure that it’ll be fine, though: remember Al’s poetry?  Because I did.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

The Chevy Volt: designed for Democratic bureaucrats…

…and the title is all that you need to hear, now isn’t it?  Some more grim details, though: almost 49 grand (not including tax credit) for a car that’s actually a glorified hybrid (the gas engine has to be on if you want to take this sucker on the highway); and the effective gas mileage is somewhere around 27 mpg.  Now, that sounds great if you’re the President – because Obama thinks that the average clunker out there gets 8 to 10 mpg, mostly because the President is an urban liberal* who probably hasn’t driven himself anywhere in the last decade – but it’s a bit more disconcerting for the rest of the population to be told that this Government Fiat car is the Wave of the Future.

I mean, we were told the same thing about Soylent Green.

Anyway, if you think that I’m being too cruel about the Volt, apparently it’s nothing compared to Consumer Reports’ initial assessment, which appears in the April 2011 issue and is distinctly unkind – to the point where the reviewer in two separate places explicitly questioned whether buying one of these things made anything like logical sense.  That article, by the way, casually notes one under-mentioned but actually critical point: the lack of a ambient heating system.  The way the Consumer Reports reviewer put it? “You have seat heaters, which keep your body warm, but your feet get cold and your hands get cold…” – which is bad enough for commuters.  But it’s even worse for parents who thought that they could use this vehicle to do anything like a long trip in wintertime. Continue reading The Chevy Volt: designed for Democratic bureaucrats…

#rsrh Rooting for *injuries*? Pshaw!

I’m rooting for Mutually Assured Destruction.

A strike called by unpaid Huffington Post contributors received a major boost Wednesday with a call to arms released by the national Newspaper Guild.

The industry association called on contributors not currently on strike to cease contributions and asked members to help by “shining a light on the unprofessional and unethical practices of this company.”

The Newspaper Guild boasts 26,000 members and is affiliated with the Communications Workers of America (CWA). The CWA is affiliated with the AFL-CIO.

Via Glenn Reynolds, who also reminds us that the CWA hits women.   So, really, there’s no need to intervene in this particular cage match…

Moe Lane

#rsrh Helen Thomas is a bitter, bitter woman.

You know, I’m glad that Helen Thomas still has cognitive function, as revealed in this interview (sent to me via email). Evil, twisted, and yes, anti-Semitic*, but otherwise cognitively functional:

On the Jews’ influence and power: “[The Jews are] using their power, and they have power in every direction…Power over the White House, power over Congress…Everybody is in the pocket of the Israeli lobbies, which are funded by wealthy supporters, including those from Hollywood.  Same thing with the financial markets.  There’s total control…It isn’t the two percent.  It’s real power when you own the White House, when you own these other places in terms of your political persuasion.  Of course they have power.  [To the interviewer] You don’t deny that.  You’re Jewish, aren’t you?”

You see, there’s no point to despising the mentally ill.  Neither is it nice.  After all, the mentally ill can’t help being mentally ill, right? But Thomas can; and so watching her squirm under the consequences of her actions is perfectly justified.  If she doesn’t like being treated as a Bad Person, then she shouldn’t be Bad.

Read the whole article, by the way: apparently, the interviewer flat-out asked Thomas whether or not she was non compos mentis.  A shame that they probably don’t videotape these interviews: I’d pay a buck to see her face when that question came up.  I’d pay more for a montage of the people who are going to be upset by this interview, too; there’s going to be a lot of bitter resentment among the Left-pundit class that they’ll have to tone down their memorials to this woman when she eventually kicks the bucket.  Which should happen in due time, I’m sure.

Moe Lane

*Babbling about international Jewish conspiracies is, as they say, diagnostic.

Qaddafi reminded who the weak horse is after all?

So.  Now that the UN has authorized a no-fly zone in Libya – which is another way of saying that we have decided to create a no-fly (and no-drive) zone in Libya, using the UN for cover – it’s being reported that the Qaddafi regime has immediately declared a cease-fire.  As Glenn Reynolds put it: “Blink.”

If true: well, we should have done this a week ago.  Unfortunately, we’re stuck with a President that takes forever to get to the point – and, contra Andrew Sullivan (safe link), this situation would not be “highly believable” if it were taking place under a hypothetical McCain administration.  Mostly because Qaddafi wouldn’t have dared tick off the USA in the first place; Republican hawks tend to have a low opinion of him and his regime.  Still, at least President Obama got to it eventually.

Sorry: I might be more effusive in my praise if the optics on this were better.  And optics are important.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

Continue reading Qaddafi reminded who the weak horse is after all?